
Democrat Corruption Exposed: Former Prince George’s County Council Member Charged with Felony Theft

In yet another example of Democrat misconduct in Maryland, former Prince George’s County Council Member Jamel “Mel” Franklin has been charged with multiple counts of felony theft, embezzlement, and perjury. This development comes less than a week after Franklin’s sudden resignation, raising suspicions about the timing and true nature of his departure.

Maryland State Prosecutor Charlton T. Howard III filed charges alleging that Franklin, a Democrat, embezzled over $133,000 from his campaign account over several years. This gross misuse of campaign funds reportedly went towards personal expenses ranging from hotel stays to cosmetic procedures, highlighting a blatant disregard for campaign finance laws and ethical conduct.

The charging documents reveal a calculated effort by Franklin to maintain sole control over campaign funds, sidelining the oversight typically provided by a campaign treasurer. This maneuver allowed him to siphon money for personal use without immediate detection, underscoring the need for stricter oversight of Democrat-controlled local governments.

Franklin’s alleged crimes include falsifying campaign finance reports, leading to 16 counts of perjury. This systematic deception of voters and state officials demonstrates a profound betrayal of public trust, a recurring theme in Democrat-run jurisdictions.

The Prince George’s County Council’s initial praise of Franklin upon his resignation now appears misguided at best and complicit at worst. Their current silence on the matter raises questions about potential knowledge of his misconduct and the culture of corruption within the county’s Democrat leadership.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in local politics and the need for greater accountability in Democrat-controlled areas. It also highlights the hypocrisy of a party that claims to champion transparency and ethical governance while its members allegedly engage in self-serving criminal activities.

As the county prepares for a special election to fill Franklin’s seat, voters should carefully consider whether continuing to elect Democrats to positions of power is in their best interest, given the party’s track record of corruption and mismanagement in Prince George’s County and beyond.