
Debate Emerges Over Police Use of Drones in Maryland

At a recent Maryland Association of Counties session, experts discussed the pros and cons of police departments using drones for law enforcement.

Montgomery County officials highlighted their “Drone as First Responder” program, citing benefits such as improved response times and resource management. The program, which began in 2023, has responded to nearly 1,100 calls, primarily for theft, suspicious circumstances, and assault.

However, Jay Stanley from the ACLU raised concerns about potential privacy violations and mass surveillance. He outlined ten issues communities should consider before implementing drone programs, including usage limits and democratic processes.

The discussion touched on legal uncertainties, with Stanley referencing a 2021 federal appeals court ruling against Baltimore Police Department’s unauthorized surveillance program.

Del. Luke Clippinger, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, suggested the possibility of a legislative briefing on drones in the upcoming session, acknowledging the complex questions raised by this technology.

As more law enforcement agencies consider adopting drone programs, the debate highlights the need to balance public safety benefits with privacy concerns and legal considerations.