Tal Heinrich to Newsmax: ‘Either You’re With Us or You’re With Terrorists’

President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have sought to weaken Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu politically in the middle of war, but that is exactly how Hamas was emboldened for its Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, according to spokeswoman Tal Heinrich on Newsmax.

“When the world or someone out there puts pressure on Israel instead of on Hamas, it serves their strategy; it serves their goal,” Heinrich told “America Right Now.” “This is exactly what they want people out there to do, and it incentivizes their use of civilians as human shields.

“You know, Hamas steals the aid, but then Israel takes the fire for it? That means that they will just continue to do it again and again.

Heinrich stressed, “We do not intervene in internal American politics.”

But Biden’s yearslong pressure on Israel and Netanyahu has included stoking political division on judicial reform those American Democrats said they believed to be too conservative.

Then, Hamas seized on the opportunity of an America that might not fully back Israel, launching the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks and forcing Israel into war the terrorist propagandists are trying to use to turn the world against Israel’s right to exist, according to Heinrich.

“In Israel we’re not dealing with politics right now,” she told host Tom Basile. “If you come to this country, what you’ll find is national unity. We’re all mobilized, being part of this national effort against the pure evils of Hamas.

“And why is that? Because when they targeted us on Oct. 7, when they butchered, murdered, raped, and whatnot, they didn’t care who voted for what party, who was for judicial reform, who was against the judicial reform.

“So we’re all in this together and we’ll leave politics for another day.”

But Biden and Schumer just have refused to do that, publicly criticizing Israel and continuing to feed the anti-Israel sentiment that emboldens terrorists, according to Heinrich.

“Israel is a sovereign country; we’re a democracy — this concept where the citizens choose who leads them, the government. And right now, in case someone hasn’t noticed, we have a unity government in place,” she said.

“We don’t intervene in American politics, and we expect to be treated with the same respect.”

Also, she added, the politics on the ground in Israel are not what Biden and Schumer project from Washington.

“The unity government and the War Cabinet that we have in place right now and the prime minister who leads them really represent what the overwhelming majority of Israelis want to see, and that is a total victory over Hamas,” Heinrich said, listing the three nonnegotiable three goals of total victory over Hamas.

“We want to see all hostages back home. We want to see the elimination of the terrorist organization. We want to make sure that Gaza will never, ever pose a terror threat to us again. And we reject the notion of a Palestinian terrorist state.”

Hamas does not want peace like Biden and Schumer suggest; so you are either with Israel or you’re with terrorism, so do not choose the latter, said Heinrich.

“Chuck Schumer also listed what he believes are the impediments to peace. When we talk about real peace, not just empty slogans, then the real impediments to peace are Palestinian terrorism and their refusal to acknowledge that Israel is not some temporary entity and that it’s here to stay,” she said.

“You remember very well that right after 9/11 when Osama bin Laden’s radical Islamists attacked the United States, the civilized world closed ranks and rallied behind the United States and President George W. Bush back then. 

“He said, “It’s either you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists.” Twenty years later, we ask the same question.”

Israel’s war on Hamas is not one of its choosing, and it did not start it; but it intends to end it in the most humane way possible, Heinrich continued.

“It’s really not about the prime minister or the government or the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] or the War Cabinet; it’s a decision that Israelis took as a nation: We no longer agree to live next to a terrorist enclave,” she said. “It’s been, what, more than 16 years that Hamas has been in power. We suffered, maybe, it’s in the hundreds of thousands of missile attacks and since they took power.

“They turned Gaza into a massive terror base camp. That’s what it is. And after Oct. 7, we simply say, ‘No more.’”

Biden’s claims Israel is not doing enough to protect Gaza civilians is false and emboldening the terrorist propaganda campaigns against Israel, Heinrich concluded.

“The reality is this has been taking unprecedented efforts in the history of urban modern warfare to safeguard the civilian population in Gaza, to facilitate humanitarian aid into Gaza, to make sure that collateral damage and the suffering of civilians in Gaza is the minimal one; whereas Hamas are trying to do exactly the opposite,” she told Basile.

“They want to see maximize damage in Gaza, loss of life. These are the kind of images that they want the world to see they want. That’s their whole strategy, Tom. They want Israel to take the fire for their own vile, bloodthirsty action. That’s their strategy.”


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