Trump Needs to Clarify All His Abortion Positions

Trump need not advocate a particular federal law banning abortion based on some arbitrary gestational age, like 16-weeks, or developmental characteristic, like a beating heart or ability to feel pain.

He just needs to enforce the law. We are no longer fighting a battle over abortion opinions but the criminality of the current administration.

Donald, enforcing current federal laws equally is sufficient to eliminate virtually all elective abortions in America.

Start talking about that and you will dominate and alter the abortion debate.

Why does Donald Trump, who nominated three conservative Supreme Court Justices responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) — with Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S. 215 (2022) — appear to be playing coy when it comes to abortion?

In a recent interview Trump was asked about a statement he made regarding a federal abortion limit of 16-weeks. He hedged saying, ” . . . pretty soon I’m going to be making a decision.”

Trump keeps insisting that he is going to find a way to make everyone happy with an abortion compromise.

Most people might agree that Trump understands dealmaking.

However, when it comes to human life, what kind of compromise can be made?

If human life begins at fertilization, as science demonstrates, and human beings are endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to life as the Declaration of Independence states, then to ask the question, “How many babies is it OK to destroy to get elected?” seems absurd if not downright barbaric.

If Trump is serious about a 16-week abortion ban, it is worth pointing out that according to CDC abortion surveillance, 97.5% of all abortion would continue.

Further, if he included in his deal exceptions for rape and the physical life of the mother, that adds back in another one to two percent, bringing the total women and pre-born boys and girls saved from abortion to approximately zero.

How could he possibly view zero lives saved as a compromise that would make any anti-abortion voter happy?

But Trump’s potential running mate, Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., notes that being anti-abortion, except for the one to tow percent of abortions involving rape and saving the physical life of the mother, is a winning position, insisting Republican candidates ought to step into the abortion fray.

At a recent appearance in West Virginia Stefanik contended, “As Republicans, we must speak loudly and clearly in support of families, women, and children on this moral issue. . . . “

Meanwhile, Trump’s 2016 Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway seems to urge those same Republican candidates to take a compromise and consensus approach, the very approach that some said caused the expected 2022 Republican midterm red wave to die on the beach.

If Trump is anything he is pragmatic.

And he keeps repeating that to do anything he first needs to get elected.

But let’s be pragmatic, after the 2024 election, even if Trump wins, Republicans are not likely to have 60 votes in the U.S. Senate to secure the ridiculous 16-week abortion ban anyway.

So, what is Trump doing?

Is Trump allowing his team to give mixed signals on purpose to buy some time to figure out if he really is for all American abortions like his Democratic opponents?

Or is he playing it coy as a cover to protect all people equally under the 14th Amendment?

It is worth remembering that the executive branch is responsible for enforcing the law through the Department of Justice. It is currently against the law to ship deadly chemical abortion drugs across U.S. borders and state lines according the Comstock Act of 1873, which was modified in 1971.

A law which the current U.S. Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland, said he refuses to enforce.

Treating U.S. law like a legal buffet drew the ire of nearly half of the state attorney generals and 25% of U.S. senators, claiming Garland is harming women by turning a blind eye to largescale illicit chemical abortion drug trafficking.

A few salient points to note are as follows.

Chemical abortion represents well over half of all U.S. abortions, 450,000 annually.

Nearly all instances of chemical abortion represent shipment across U.S. borders and state lines. Most abortion providers use chemical abortion on women.

Now that pro-abortion rights politicians, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, abortion providers, and even common carriers like the U.S. Post Office know, lawyers the nation over believe that continuing to violate the law constitutes racketeering.

And since there is a statute of limitations of five years for each and every violation of the law carrying $250,000 fine, at 450,000 doses per year, a judgement could bankrupt the entire abortion industry, swamping a few other ships as it went down, including anarcho-socialist co-conspirators boldly attempting to circumvent federal law like pro-abortion rights politicians Gov. Kathy Hochul, D-N.Y., N.Y. State Atty. Gen Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams, D-N.Y.

Perhaps the prospect of jail time and losing all their money is why pro-abortion rights politicians have taken the gloves off, expending hundreds of millions to ensure their cohorts remain in power.

It is my hope that once DOJ prosecutions succeed there will be enough money left over to provide justice to sex trafficked girls and women forced to have chemical abortions by their abusers and handlers to keep them enslaved and on the street.

Simply enforcing the federal laws now on the books in a post-Roe America would dismantle and destroy the abortion industry.

Trump can honor the personhood of all people, beginning the moment of fertilization, protecting nearly all preborn boys and girls without changing any laws.

All he needs to do is appoint a courageous U.S. attorney general willing to enforce the laws of the land equally.

The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden’s Reports — Here.

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