Rep. Buddy Carter to Newsmax: Could See Move to Oust Speaker

Rep. Buddy Carter, R-Ga., told Newsmax that he can foresee a move to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., over the battle on a $1.2 trillion spending bill.

Carter noted a similar ouster last year of former speaker Kevin McCarthy.

“I could see it happening again. I hope I don’t see it happening,” Carter said Friday on “Wake Up America.” Mike’s been dealt a hand that is very, very difficult. It’s tough. He’s in a tough position right now. But, you know, I appreciate what my colleagues are trying to do. This is out of control.

“We’ve got to get spending under control. I think that leadership did the best they could negotiating this deal, but we’ve got to keep in mind we only have control of the House. We don’t have control of the Senate. We don’t have control of the White House. If we can get those then, yes, we can make even more significant changes that have been made with this budget here.”

Carter was asked if he could make a case for removing Johnson so close to the November elections.

“No, I can’t make that argument,” Carter said. “I don’t think it’s going to be a good thing. I don’t think it’s a good idea. I do believe that Mike Johnson has done the very best that he could do and that he can do with the hand that he’s been dealt. Let’s face it, you know if we had control of all three of the bodies, then perhaps it would be a different scenario, but it’s not.”

Carter also was critical of U.S. reliance on China for minerals used to produce batteries for electric cars.

“China right now is the OPEC of critical minerals,” he said. “They control critical minerals and that’s one thing that we’re trying to address in the subcommittee that I that I chair on energy and commerce. And that is how can we break this cycle of dependence on our adversaries like China when we need to be mining here in America.”


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