Report: Trump PAC to Use Donations for Legal Bills

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Part of some contributions to the Trump 47 joint fundraising committee will be disbursed to the Save America PAC, which is often used to pay former President Donald Trump’s legal bills, according to NBC News.

NBC attributed the information to a donation contribution form it obtained. NBC noted that the move is a change from traditional donation trajectories. Typically, donations to joint fundraising groups filter to candidates’ campaigns and the national and state parties.

In this case, however, contributions to Trump 47 will initially flow to the Trump campaign and then the Save America PAC, after individual donors reach the maximum limit for campaign donations.

The Republican National Committee, followed by individual state Republican parties, will receive funds after a donor reaches the limit to the campaign and the Save America PAC, NBC News said.

The maximum annual contribution to a leadership PAC is $5,000. The contribution limit means that only a portion of major donors’ contributions would go toward legal bills. A higher percentage of small-contribution donors’ money would go to legal bills, rather than be filtered to the RNC, the news network said.

“Save America also covers a very active and robust post-Presidency office and other various expenses not related to fighting the illegal witch-hunts perpetrated by crooked Joe Biden,” Trump campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung said in a statement to NBC News. “The Trump campaign, the RNC, and state GOP parties ultimately receive the overwhelming majority of funds raised through the Trump 47 Committee.”

Cheung added that just a small fraction of an individual donor’s overall maximum contribution goes to Save America.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a comment request from Newsmax.

Meanwhile, according to an Federal Election Commission filing, Trump’s Save America PAC spent about $5.6 million on legal expenses last month, about $600,000 more than it took in. The Save America PAC has spent more than $77 million in the past two years on legal fees battling multiple lawsuits and dozens of felony charges in four criminal cases, according to The Associated Press.

Save America had about $4 million in cash on hand to start March and still owes over $500,000 in legal fees, according to the FEC filing.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing and blasted the lengthy list of felony charges and lawsuits as partisan attempts to upend his presidential bid.

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