VP Stops Clapping for a Protest Song Aimed at Biden Admin

(Photo by Drew Angerer/AFP via Getty Images)

Vice President Kamala Harris happily clapped along to a protest song during a visit to San Juan, Puerto Rico — until she found out the lyrics were shaming the Biden administration.

Multiple videos show Harris clapping and smiling on Friday as a group sang in Spanish — until an aide leaned over and clued her in, the Daily Mail reported.

Harris then slowly stopped clapping, lowered her hands, and appeared more serious.

The song was a protest that questioned: “We want to know, Kamala, what did you come to do? We want to know, Kamala, what is going to happen?” the outlet reported.

The VP was clued in by executive director Mariana Reyes, who accompanied her on the trip. The song took aim at both Harris and policies of the Biden administration in general — including the war in Gaza and unrest in Haiti, the outlet reported.

“Long live free Palestine and Haiti too,” the protest group sang, the outlet reported.

Harris was meeting with community leaders during a tour of the Coyco Community Center in San Juan during her trip aiming to highlight the Biden administration’s actions to support the island nation’s recovery and renewal efforts.

She also attended campaign events, the outlet reported.

But according to the Daily Mail, protesters in San Juan burned American flags in the street and held posters with messages including: “Kamala Harris War Criminal,” and “We did it, Joe: 14,861 children killed,” referring to Gaza.

Ahead of the VP’s embarrassing blunder, Harris had visited a residential home outside San Juan that was damaged during Hurricane Maria but has since been outfitted with solar panels and water tanks — joined there by Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Adrianne Todman, and Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, Fox News reported.

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