Harvard Poll: Trump at 55 Percent Job Approval

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The latest poll released by the Harvard Center for American Political Studies showed some damning ratings for President Joe Biden and Democrats entering the 2024 election cycle.

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump led by 5 points (41%-36%) over a five-candidate field in the poll, and his presidential approval rating tops that of Biden right now: 55% say they approve of the job Trump did as president, a figure that is 10 points higher than Biden’s current approval rating of 45%.

Also, the Democratic Party struggled on its approval and trailed Republicans by 2 points, as 53% disapproved of the job the Democratic Party is doing.

Among other topline findings in the poll:

  • A 58% majority said the U.S. is on the wrong track under the Biden administration, compared to 34% who said it is on the right track.
  • 56% said the U.S. economy is weak under Biden.
  • A plurality of 47% said their personal finances are getting worse under Biden.
  • Biden’s State of the Union speech provided no increase on his 45% approval rating since the last poll.
  • A majority of 52% had an unfavorable opinion of Biden’s State of the Union speech, with majorities saying he did not address the issues their family cares most about (54%) and “failed” to present solutions of their family’s issues (55%).
  • 56% said the Democrats are using “lawfare” to take out their chief political opponent.

The Harvard CAPS poll was conducted by The Harris Poll and HarrisX among 2,111 registered voters March 20-21. There was no margin of error given.

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