UAW May Find Itself Sacrificed on Road to EV Utopia

Does Biden Work for Us, or China? 

It’s starting to look like United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fail traded his union’s presidential endorsement for a handful of magic beans.

Back in January Fail trumpeted, “Today I’m proud to announce that UAW is endorsing Joe Biden for President of the United States. And I am honored to invite Joe Biden to come address our great union, and join us in our fight for economic and social justice for the UAW and for the whole working class.”

Then, about two months later, UAW endorsee Biden’s EPA went all in on electric vehicles.

The Los Angeles Times writes, “The nation’s slow transition to electric vehicles got a boost Wednesday when the Biden administration announced it had finalized the strongest-ever pollution standards for cars and light trucks.” described the edict differently, “According to newly issued mandates by the EPA, the Biden administration is set to force the public, car manufacturers and dealerships to transition to predominantly electric cars by 2030. When demand for them has been lower than ever.”

When Biden announces more billions of your tax dollars being spent on subsidizing EVs it’s always hard to determine if Biden really believes in the “Karbon Kult” or he’s still working for his Chinese battery-making paymasters.

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) analyzed Biden’s new car selling rules and found, “Proposed EV Mandate Would Eliminate 117,000 Auto manufacturing jobs.”

The part of its report that has the most relevance for the UAW concluded, “The Biden Administration’s mandate would eliminate a net 117,000 auto manufacturing jobs nationwide.

“The Midwest would bear the brunt of these losses. Even under a best-case scenario, the Biden EV mandate would cost Michigan (-25,000), Indiana (-16,000), and Ohio (-14,000) tens of thousands of auto manufacturing jobs.”

The Hill, which is more positive on the job front than the AFPI found there will be jobs, they just won’t be in Detroit.

“Sanya Carley, a professor of energy policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said many new facilities geared toward electric vehicle manufacturing are opening in the South rather than the Midwest, a historic auto industry hub.

“‘There’s this geographic mismatch where some of the factories that are closing are in the Midwest and the factories that are opening are in the South,’ Carley said, adding this means that ‘it’s not necessarily the same person who gets the job’ at the new factory.

“The southward shift is also to an area with less union presence — which could have implications for working conditions and wages.”

The upshot is there will be jobs, they just won’t be in Detroit and the jobs probably won’t be union jobs either.

So, how’s that endorsement working out, Mr. UAW?

When a union crawls into bed with an administration run by ideologues and fanatics the political calculations change drastically.

Instead of a valued partner, the union may find itself a necessary sacrifice on the road to whatever utopia the administration is pursuing.

Electric vehicles are only popular with Karbon Kultists.

Outkick observes, “Demand for electric cars has collapsed over the past few years, with a lack of consumer interest leading to massive discounts and mountains of leftover inventory.

“Some EV’s are sitting on dealer lots for months, with manufacturers publicly admitting that they’re taking gigantic financial losses on the production of electric cars.

“Several have even announced that they intend to cut back significantly on EV production, citing falling consumer demand.

“Late last year, that culminated in nearly 4,000 car dealerships sending a letter to the Biden administration regarding future electric car mandates.”

Right now, a bit more than 9% of the cars purchased in the U.S. are electron–powered and that’s with massive subsidies.

These new Canute-like rules demand EV sales increase to 50% in only six years.

It’s the transportation equivalent of the clot shot mandate, only this time instead of potentially costing you your health, this one costs you your wallet.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive, range-limited and slow-to-recharge EV, then you will have to buy a gasoline-powered vehicle made incredibly expensive by additional government mandates.

We are thinking of investing in used cars ourselves.

It looks like they will be a hot item in only a few years.

Maybe we can find an out-of-work UAW member to keep the cars repaired and running until the market takes off.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker’s bureau. Read Michael Reagan’s Reports — More Here.

Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of “Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now With Added Humor!)” Read Michael Shannon’s Reports — More Here.

© Mike Reagan