Border Security Ad: ‘Trump Was Right’


Building America’s Future has put out another advertisement on the subject of border security, with this one proclaiming that former President Donald Trump has been correct about the issue all along, while President Joe Biden is wrong.

The conservative nonprofit organization wrote that Trump “warned us in 2015 about the dangers of an open border – and now we have rising crime, fentanyl pouring over the border, and women losing their lives at the hands of illegal immigrants. Trump was right. Biden is wrong.”

The ad ends by asking, “Who do you trust more to protect your family: Donald Trump or Joe Biden?”

Last month, Building America’s Future put out an ad that blamed Biden for the February murder of nursing student Laken Riley in Georgia allegedly by an illegal Venezuelan migrant, reported. 

Building America’s Future alleged that CNN declined to show the ad in an attempt to censor the truth and avoid embarrassing Biden, whom many blame for Riley’s death due to his border polices.

CNN told that it did not run the ad because it “did not meet commercial clearance guidelines and policies” and cited “claims that were unsubstantiated.”

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