State Rep. Sainz to Newsmax: Trump ‘Laser Focused’ on Georgia

Former President Donald Trump is “laser focused” on Georgia and property law as residents realize they were “better off four years ago” under the Trump administration, state Rep. Steven Sainz, R-St. Marys, told Newsmax on Thursday.

In an interview on “Newsline,” Sainz said he was “committed to making sure Trump is elected.”

“Things like squatting — that’s another reminder: when we don’t protect our nation’s laws, when we allow folks to come in to our our borders illegally,” the Georgia Republican said.

“I know my constituents realize that we’re better off four years ago than we are now. I represent a military community, a strong Navy town, and the hardworking people who support the mission at [Naval Submarine Base] Kings Bay.

“They all have less money to spend on their families, on their grocery bills,” he added. “They were better off four years ago than we are now, and I’m committed to making sure President Trump is back in office.”

Sainz also praised Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, for signing legislation to support the agricultural industry and improve security against foreign adversaries like China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and Cuba from buying agricultural land within 10 miles of military installations.

“I’m a proud son of a father who’s Cuban American. Cuban Americans across the state, across this nation are not our foreign advocate adversaries.

“But the Cuban government most definitely is, and it’s a common sense solution to make sure our military towns like Kings Bay. Our community actually led on this after 9/11. We shut down a domestic airport,” Sainz said.

“So if we’re gonna go ahead and shut down a domestic airport because we find it to be a security threat, why wouldn’t we make sure that foreign adversaries are not able to have land in Georgia, large-scale land tracks within some of our more crucial military installations?

“I’m really glad that Gov. Kemp signed it. I was proud to support that through the legislative process,” he said.


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