Polish PM Donald Tusk Warns: Vote or Risk War with Russia


Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk has issued a stark warning ahead of the European elections, urging citizens to vote to avoid potential war, according to the BBC.

His Civic Coalition focuses on the threat of Russian aggression as its central theme, emphasizing the need for a united European Union to stand against Moscow.

Tusk’s message addresses deep-seated concerns among Poles, who are historically and geographically wary of their giant neighbor. Poland shares a 230km (142 miles) border with Kaliningrad, a heavily militarized Russian exclave. The border is marked by thick rolls of barbed wire fencing and monitored by thermal imaging cameras. At the main crossing point, the word “RUSSIA” is spelled out in red letters, and every busload of passengers is screened meticulously using a sniffer dog.

Security measures were already heightened after President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine over two years ago. Tusk has vowed to increase these measures, introducing “Shield East,” a 10-billion-zloty (£1.992bn, approximately 2.49 billion dollars) project to reinforce Poland’s border with high-tech surveillance and trenches. This initiative aims to ensure “the enemy” knows to “stay away” from Poland, coordinated with Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, which share similar concerns about Russia.

In contrast, Slovakia and Hungary to the south advocate for “compromise” with Moscow, often issuing statements aligned with Kremlin talking points. However, Poland remains convinced of the risk from Putin’s Russia, particularly if Ukraine were to lose the war.

While Tusk’s team focuses on security, the main opposition party, Law and Justice (PiS), has shifted its campaign to criticize the E.U.’s migration deal and the Green Deal against carbon emissions despite having previously supported these policies. Nonetheless, the PiS has not wholly abandoned the defense theme. One PiS candidate, Karol Karski, became an internet sensation with a campaign video in which he symbolically stopped a Russian tank.

“We’ve stopped evil many times before, and we will stop it again,” he said in a campaign video.

The younger generation in Poland is also being prepared for potential threats.

In a school outside Warsaw, students learn survival skills from the Territorial Defense, including evacuation, orienteering, and resuscitation. Seventeen-year-old Sebastian explained, “Because there is a war in Ukraine, we are in danger.” His classmate Igor added, “Russia is near to us, and they could attack us, I think. We need to learn how to defend ourselves.”

Captain Dominik Pijarski of the 6th Mazovian Brigade confirmed that the training program was created in response to the threat on Poland’s eastern border. He noted, “Only fools are not afraid,” and emphasized the importance of nationwide preparedness.

However, the fear of Russia does not always translate to unconditional support for Ukraine. In rural areas, Polish farmers are protesting the E.U. Green Deal and competition from Ukrainian farmers, who can export goods tariff-free. Farmer Mariusz Konarzewski expressed concerns over Ukrainian competition, stating, “The competition from Ukraine leaves us no chance.”

Despite the lack of excitement for the European election, Tusk’s final rally in Warsaw underscored the importance of security. His message remains clear: living next to Russia is risky, and Europe must remain vigilant.

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