Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: Dems Can’t Have Serious Discussion on Race

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., told Newsmax on Thursday that Democrats are unable to have a serious conversation about race because they are afraid of losing votes, and thus their political power.

On Wednesday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., President Joe Biden’s campaign, the Congressional Black Caucus, and other Democrats twisted words Donalds made Tuesday at a campaign event in Philadelphia to make it seem like he said Black families were better off in the Jim Crow era of racial discrimination in the South.

But what Donalds said — in a video of his comments posted on his X account — was that there were more Black families during the Jim Crow era, and then Democrat policies that created the welfare state under President Lyndon Johnson destroyed the Black family unit. He then said he has observed a cultural and political shift in the past 10 years that has invigorated Black families and led to a revival of the Black middle class in the U.S.

“And that’s what was so really disgusting about what has happened the last couple of days,” Donalds, reportedly on the shortlist to be Donald Trump’s running mate in November, told “Prime News.” “You know, we were talking in Philadelphia just about Black families, why that’s important to the overall fabric of the Black community, and talking about Republican ideas and Donald Trump’s ideas and what that means in the presidential election and beyond.

“But leave it to the Biden campaign, Hakeem Jeffries, and the left to try to take my words out of context, clip my words, spin my words, and say that I would somehow think that Black people were better under Jim Crow. I would never say such a thing.

“That’s a dumb statement to make — not a statement I would ever make. But it goes to show their desperation. They are losing Black men to Donald Trump. They are losing Black voters to Donald Trump simply because their agenda has been terrible. It has been the worst thing for Black people in this country,” he said.

Because of the harm done through policies by Biden and Democrats, Donalds said, the Black community is looking for a different path, and Trump happens to be the person it is looking to support.

“The truth is, everybody has fallen behind under Bidenomics,” he said. “It’s been terrible for everybody. The cost of every product Americans buy has been up 20% or more during his presidency. And so, wages adjusted for inflation [are] down. Americans have lost [$4,000 to] $5,000 per year under Joe Biden.

“That’s a catastrophe, especially if you’re a poor family, working family, a lower middle-class family trying to get ahead in America today. You simply can’t under Joe Biden. People know this. Black voters know this. That’s why they’re starting to turn away.”


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