Tennessee School Shooter Used Pell Grant to Buy Guns

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Aiden Hale, who killed six people in a shooting at a Nashville, Tennessee, parochial school in 2023, bought his guns using a federal Pell Grant, according to published reports.

Hale, who identified as transgender, purchased seven guns using the education grant money and also paid for training at a local gun range, Brian Wilson of 99.7 WTN said.

Hale fired 152 rounds during the attack before being killed by police. That included 126 rifle rounds and 26 nine-millimeter rounds, according to police.

Three 9-year-old children were among those killed in the shooting at The Covenant School.

Three guns were recovered from the school while four other guns were found at the home of Hale’s parents, Metro Nashville Police Department said.

According to the Tennessee Star, three of the guns Hale had would cost $1,946, while he spent $2,619.68 on weapons and accessories. Hale had 30 different weapons and accessories, the Tennessee Star reported.

Students can receive a maximum of $7,395 for Pell grants, based on how much parents are expected to contribute to their college cost, what the student is putting on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, whether the student is attending school full-time, and how long the student plans to attend.

Hale began to use his own income to fill out his FAFSA forms when he turned 25, according to an interview his parents gave to police, the Star reported.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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