Southern Poverty Law Center Puts Gay Group on ‘Hate Map’


The Southern Poverty Law Center has put a group founded by a lesbian on its “hate map” because the group opposes the transgendering, mutilation and sexualizing of children, Breitbart first reported.

The SPLC claims to have tracked 1,430 hate and anti-government groups across the U.S. in 2023, among them several medical, Christian and family organizations for being opposed to the medical transitioning of minors.

The SPLC says it has documented a third more “active anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups” last year than it did in 2022.

“The increase is primarily the result of anti-trans organizing motivated by the hard right’s renewed focus on false conspiracy theories that paint LGBTQ+ people, notably trans people and drag artists, and their allies as sexual predators,” the SPLC said.

The group says it has “documented 86 active anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups — about 33% higher than 2022, and the highest number ever recorded by the SPLC.”

The SPLC defines hate as “as an organization or collection of individuals that — based on its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities — has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.”

This year, the SPLC decided that the group Gays Against Groomers was deserving of a placement on its “Hate Map.” The group was started as an X account by Jaimee Michell, who describes herself as a “based lesbian.” She began posting as Gays Against Groomers after being disturbed by the efforts of the left to sexualize young children.

Last year, Michell spoke at the political activist group Moms for Liberty and said many gays are on her side.

“Gay people are not a monolith. I am here to tell you that not all of us are onboard with this new modern rainbow movement we are seeing now. In fact, it is the majority of us who are not,” Michell said in her speech. “That is why I started this organization. I could no longer sit by and watch this toxic ideology be foisted upon children in our name — in my name. I knew I wasn’t alone.”

“The truth is, we never consented to pornographic filth being given to children in schools. We never consented to woke doctors sterilizing and mutilating children in our name. We never consented to radical trans activists taking over and speaking on our behalf,” Michell added. 

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