Rep. Van Drew to Newsmax: Bidens Show Two-Tiered Justice System

Despite Attorney General Merrick Garland’s denials in last week’s House Judiciary Committee meeting over the appearance of a two-tiered justice system under President Joe Biden, the issues behind the president and his family members show that the matter is at play, Rep. Jeff Van Drew said on Newsmax Saturday.

“There are real issues here, and it is a two-tiered system of justice,” the New Jersey Republican told Newsmax’s “Wake Up America Weekend.” “It is true in my mind that question, after being in the Judiciary [Commitee] and after hearing that justice is for thee and not for me, and it shows.”

And with the president and his family, “the way we deal with Joe Biden’s family, from his brother to his sons, the meetings he has, the monies that have been transferred, it’s unbelievable,” Van Drew added.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden is on trial in Delaware on charges that he provided false information about his drug use while purchasing a handgun, and Van Drew said that is only the beginning of the court dates for the president’s son. 

“There’s the tax fraud charges,” he said. “Those are almost worse than the gun charges.”

Van Drew said he wouldn’t “hold the actions of a son upon the father,” as the elder Biden was not involved with his son’s gun case. 

However, there is “all the other corruption,” said Van Drew.

“The father is the one, Joe Biden, who met with Russian oligarchs and had money transferred. The father is the one who was in conversations with his son and with Burisma, a failed and corrupt energy company in Ukraine,” he said.

“His father is the one who received direct payments from his brother as soon as his brother received them from a failed health corporation that was using the Biden name as a gateway to help them get new customers, clients, and investments from other countries.”

Biden, he added, is “part and parcel of everything that happened here. This is so much worse than anything Donald Trump even ever thought about doing. These are real crimes. We’ve got a two-tier system of justice.”


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