Kansas AG Kris Kobach to Newsmax: Pfizer Must Come Clean on ‘Deceptive’ COVID Vaccine Claims

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is being sued for “misleading and deceptive statements” about its COVID-19 vaccines, according to Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach on Newsmax.

“Our lawsuit is brought under the Kansas Consumer Protection Act — all 50 states have some variation of a consumer protection act — and it’s about Pfizer’s failure to speak truthfully to the public when marketing its vaccine,” Kobach told Wednesday’s “Wake Up America.”

“Pfizer made multiple misleading and deceptive statements and, although the vaccine manufacturers had immunity given by the federal government for injury lawsuits brought by people who took their vaccines, they do not have protection and they did not have the right to make misleading statements when marketing their products. And that’s what this is about.

“So, just to give you a couple examples, Pfizer misleadingly stated that its vaccine was safe for pregnant women when it, in fact, possessed information that its vaccine had caused adverse events in pregnant women,” he continued. “In addition, Pfizer made statements about its vaccine having no safety signal with respect to myocarditis — the safety signal is ‘vaccine speak’ for adverse events — when, in fact, Pfizer knew that its vaccine had been associated with adverse events related to myocarditis, which is a heart condition.”

Kobach said he thinks Pfizer’s motivation for not fully disclosing potential vaccine side effects and adverse reactions was “simply to make money,” but the question of why becomes “much more complicated” when applied to the federal government.

“Why in the world did the federal government mandate members of the U.S. military receive the vaccine over their religious objection, and, in the process, threaten to fire pilots at a time when we have a pilot shortage in the U.S. Air Force?” he asked. “Those questions I don’t know the answer to.

“It’s baffling some of the things that happened, but the bottom line is that our laws require people selling products, especially products that can cause physical adverse effects, they have to be truthful.”

The Kansas attorney general said he is seeking “civil monetary penalties as well as damages” from Pfizer and said the company can “either fight this in state court,” “try to move it to federal court,” which he would fight, “or they can come to the table and admit that they made mistakes and didn’t market their product truthfully, and we can negotiate at that point.”

When asked about the possibility of Pfizer dragging out the proceedings in an effort to delay the case until Kobach is no longer the top law enforcement officer in Kansas, he said, “If they want to do it, I say bring it.

“We’ll meet them at the courthouse, and we’ll see who prevails,” Kobach said. “I don’t think they’re going to be able to prevail at the end of the day, no matter how long they drag it out.

“I think we’re trying to help Pfizer do the right thing,” he continued, adding “and, this will help them get that brand name back and that trust back.”


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