Pennsylvania Trump Supporters Receive Threatening Letters


In the waning days of the presidential race, supporters of Donald Trump who live in the Philadelphia area say letters threatening violence have appeared in their mailboxes, The Post Millennial reported.

The typed letters, which are printed on a facsimile of Trump campaign letterhead, begin with the salutation “Dear Neighbor” and offering a “note of thanks for being engaged in the election” and for the voter’s “participation in the process.”

The letter expresses concern about “the level of political violence in the country during this election year” and asks the recipients to “take a close look at the truth, facts and the future for a better America where we can all live in harmony together,” before launching into reasons why they should not vote for the former president.

“[T]his is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost,” the letter reads. “There will be consequences.”

After expounding on the overall anticipated consequences for the nation, should Trump win, the letter then contains threats closer to home.

“But more importantly we know where you live, you are in the data base,” the letter reads. “In the dead of a cold winters night, this year, or next and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen. Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.”

A woman named Janet, from Penn Valley, Pennsylvania, who preferred not to use her last name, told The Post Millennial that she filed a police report with the Lower Merion Police after receiving the letter but was told officers could not pursue the matter without video.

Janet said police told her they had been contacted by another homeowner who had received the same letter, and a Post Millennial source in the area confirmed that other Trump-supporting households had received the letter, both through the postal service and left in their mailbox without postage.

The letter writers’ mention of “visible support” was likely a reference to the Trump campaign signs those who received the letter have displayed on their lawns.

True to its nickname of the Keystone State, the battleground of Pennsylvania is believed to be a must-win state to secure victory in the Electoral College.

“Spend some time with your rabbi or pastor or what ever religion you follow and dig into the meaning of morality and reconcile the hate with your maker,” the letter reads. “Face the truth and understand the facts. Stop being lazy. Question your commitment to a cult. He is the biggest threat to the country and does not understand the idea of America as defined George Washington by the founding fathers.

“Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights,” the letter closes. “You tread on me at your peril, motherf*****. We look forward to visiting in the future.”

It is signed, “Patriotic citizen and a true American.” A symbol with the words “don’t tread on me” and a coiled snake, both from the Gadsden flag, as well as the words “live free or die” appears at the bottom of the letter.

Tech billionaire Elon Musk held his first solo event in support of Trump’s presidential bid in the Philadelphia suburbs on Thursday, encouraging voters to register and use the early voting period to cast their ballot.

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