
Cruz: ‘Donald May Do Everything He Can to Encourage Riots’ if He Loses in Cleveland

May 2, 2016 | 10:47am
(Breitbart) – Sen. Ted Cruz speculated on CBS’s Face the Nation that if he wins the nomination on a late ballot at a contested convention in Cleveland, “Donald [Trump] may do everything he can to encourage riots.” Host John Dickerson asked Cruz on CBS’s Sunday morning program whether he is able to “overthrow” Trump at the Republican National nominating convention in […]

Trump in Statistical Dead Heat with Hillary in Ohio

May 2, 2016 | 9:51am
BREAKING=> Trump in Statistical Dead Heat with Hillary in Ohio, Cruz Down 9 Points Jim Hoft May 2nd, 2016 8:34 am 2 Comments Republican front-runner Donald Trump is in a statistical dead heat with “Crooked” Hillary Clinton in Ohio. After surviving over 55,000 negative ads during the GOP primary Trump trails Hillary by just 3%. […]

How Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton

May 2, 2016 | 9:45am
Absent an alien invasion, the zombie apocalypse or the sudden re-annexation of California by Mexico, Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president. It’s time to move on to the real question: Can he beat Hillary Clinton? You’re darn right he can. This runs contrary to conventional wisdom, of course. Then again, conventional wisdom […]

Down 15 Points in New Poll, Is Indiana Ted Cruz’s Last Stand?

May 2, 2016 | 9:36am
WASHINGTON — Despite pinning his presidential hopes on Indiana, Ted Cruz is down 15 points in that state, a new poll revealed Sunday. The NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll shows Donald Trump dominating, receiving the support of 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters, with Cruz at 34 percent and Gov. John Kasich is at […]

Boy Yells ‘You Suck’ to Ted Cruz at Rally; Cruz Responds (Video)

May 2, 2016 | 9:34am
“Thank you son. I appreciate you sharing your views. You know, hopefully one of the things somebody has told you is that children should actually speak with respect. Imagine what a different world it would be if someone told Donald Trump that years ago. In my household, when a child behaved that way, they’d get […]

Cruz Delegates Waver as Trump Gains Momentum

May 2, 2016 | 9:23am
Down in the polls and with zero margin for error heading into Tuesday’s crucial Indiana primary, Ted Cruz could be forgiven for seeing a silver lining in his apparent strength with unbound Republican delegates. Until Donald Trump’s romp through the Northeast last Tuesday abruptly changed the subject, the political world was captivated — and Trump […]

Donald Trump to Get the Most Votes in Republican History

Apr 28, 2016 | 10:57am
Donald Trump will likely wind up winning the most primary votes of any GOP presidential candidate in modern history, the author of the influential Smart Politics blog told The Post on Wednesday. After convincing victories in Tuesday’s primaries in five East Coast states, Trump has roughly 10.1 million votes, about 200,000 more than Mitt Romney […]

Democratic Strategist: Trump Will Beat Hillary Like ‘A Baby Seal’

Apr 28, 2016 | 7:59am
Democratic strategist Dave “Mudcat” Saunders believes Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton like a “baby seal,” and that working class whites who haven’t already left the Democratic Party for cultural reasons will due so now for economic ones. “I know a ton of Democrats — male, female, black and white — here [in southern Virginia] […]

FEEL THE BERN: Sanders Starts Laying Off Staff as ‘Reality’ Sets In

Apr 28, 2016 | 7:51am
Bernie Sanders began laying off staff today as his campaign came to grips with its losses yesterday in four states. The Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign told staffers working on those contests to begin looking for new jobs rather than relocate to states with upcoming primaries as they have in the past, Politico reports. It’s one […]

Ted Cruz Taps Carly Fiorina As Vice Presidential Nominee

Apr 28, 2016 | 7:28am
INDIANAPOLIS (CBSNewYork/AP) — Despite being mathematically eliminated from clinching the Republican nomination, Sen. Ted Cruz has picked a running mate. Cruz tapped former technology executive Carly Fiorina to run as his vice presidential nominee. The Texas senator unveiled his decision Wednesday afternoon in Indianapolis, calling Fiorina an “extraordinary leader.” “It is unusual to make the […]