
DNC Chair: Hillary Has Provided the Most Transparency ‘Other Than the Private Server’

Apr 25, 2016 | 10:19am
In a Fox News Sunday interview so painful to watch readers are advised to consider taking headache medicinebefore viewing, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to make the case that the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of emails containing sensitive and classified national security information and her use of an undisclosed private email […]

Clinton’s Cough Attack Returns (Video)

Apr 25, 2016 | 9:43am
By DANIEL HALPER, Weekly Standard Hillary Clinton’s cough returned today at a rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Today’s coughing fit occurred as Clinton was on stage, as she rallied in front of her supporters. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE

GOP Primary Turnout Up 8.7 Million Votes, More Than 60 Percent in 2016 Versus 2012

Apr 25, 2016 | 9:25am
Newly compiled data after the New York Republican primary shows that among the states that have voted so far in 2016, GOP primary and caucus turnout is up well more than 8 million votes and well more than 60 percent over 2012’s process. Top GOP officials say that the intense interest in the GOP primary […]

Cruz, Kasich Announce Strategic Alliance to Stop Trump From Reaching 1,237

Apr 25, 2016 | 9:15am
The presidential campaigns of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich announced late Sunday that they were coordinating their efforts in three upcoming primary states in an extraordinary attempt to prevent Republican front-runner Donald Trump from clinching the GOP nomination before this summer’s convention. In a pair of simultaneously released statements, the campaigns […]

Rubio Not Interested In VP Slot, Will Support Republican Nominee

Apr 23, 2016 | 1:46pm
Friday, 22 Apr 2016 06:15 PM Former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio says he has no interest in being vice president and has no plans to endorse any presidential candidate. But, he says, he will support “whoever is nominated and named by the party.” In a wide-ranging interview with “Al Punto Florida,” a new Spanish-language […]

Cruz’s ‘War Room’ Campaign Ad Takes on Hillary, Leaves Trump Fans Fuming

Apr 22, 2016 | 10:53am
(Bizpac Review) – Like him or not, Ted Cruz hired one heck of a team to put together his campaign ads. In the latest addition titled “War Room,” Cruz not only takes on rival Donald Trump but also takes anothermajor swipe at Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton. That’s right – two for the price of one if the […]

Brother of Hillary’s Campaign Chief John Podesta Gets $140K Per Month to Lobby for Saudis

Apr 22, 2016 | 10:09am
TEL AVIV — The Saudi government has contracted the communications and strategy firm of Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, paying the group $140,000 per month to work for Saudi interests in the U.S. On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported: The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions […]

Donald Trump: Cruz and Kasich Need to Drop Out – Cruz Has No Path to Win (VIDEO)

Apr 22, 2016 | 9:27am
Donald Trump: Cruz and Kasich Need to Drop Out – Cruz Has No Path to Win (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Apr 21st, 2016 10:00 pm 82 Comments Donald Trump went on with Sean Hannity tonight to discuss the current GOP primary race. CONTINUE READING HERE http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/04/donald-trump-cruz-kasich-need-drop-cruz-no-path-win-video/