
GOP Chair Priebus: If Trump Wins 1236 Delegates It’s Not Enough (VIDEO)

Apr 21, 2016 | 10:39am
Gateway Pundit) – Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus told Greta Van Susteren tonight that if Donald Trump goes to the Cleveland convention with 1,236 delegates and not 1,237 it’s not enough for him to win the nomination. Reince Priebus: If you win a plurality that means everyone else has a majority… You have to get a majority. So […]

Pat Buchanan: Future of Republican Party Belongs to the Trump Supporters (VIDEO)

Apr 21, 2016 | 9:49am
Pat Buchanan: Future of Republican Party Belongs to the Trump Supporters (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Apr 21st, 2016 12:38 am 82 Comments Pat Buchanan went on Hannity to discuss the state of the Republican primary race. After New York and with the elections next week, Donald Trump has the only path to win the nomination. Cruz […]

Hillary Clinton Says America Has ‘Too Many Guns’

Apr 21, 2016 | 9:38am
Hillary Clinton told a group of supporters on Wednesday that America has too many guns. During her opening remarks at a gun violence forum in Philadelphia, the Democratic frontrunner attacked the gun industry as the most powerful special interest in America and lamented how many firearms exist in the country. “When it comes to guns, […]

Is Hillary Angling to Be the First Black Female President?

Apr 20, 2016 | 10:00am
When it comes to pandering nobody does it better than Hillary Clinton – who is desperate to become the nation’s first black female president. In her latest outreach to New York City’s black voters, Mrs. Clinton told hip-hop radio show hosts that she carries a bottle of hot sauce in her purse. It was an […]

Ted Cruz Gets ZERO Delegates in New York, Finishes Third Place

Apr 20, 2016 | 9:38am
Cruz’s New York value: Zero delegates By NICK GASS 04/20/16 07:31 AM EDT After weeks of racking up victory after victory in the delegate fight, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was left completely out in the cold Tuesday night in New York. As Donald Trump scored what is likely to be a near-sweep of his home-state’s […]

Sean Hannity Calls Out Ted Cruz for Dodging Questions on Delegates

Apr 20, 2016 | 9:36am
Sean Hannity Calls Out Ted Cruz for Dodging Questions on Delegates Sean Hannity, the conservative radio and television host, laid into Senator Ted Cruz on his radio program on Tuesday, scolding Mr. Cruz for dodging legitimate questions about his approach to wrangling delegates. Mr. Cruz, who is trying to catch up to Donald J. Trump […]

Trump Wins NY; Cruz Now All But Locked Out of First-Ballot Win at Convention

Apr 20, 2016 | 9:09am
Ted Cruz’s faint hopes for a first-ballot Republican convention victory are all but mathematically impossible, thanks to Donald Trump’s landslide New York win Tuesday. The senator from Texas, reeling from a bruising third-place finish, now needs to win almost every delegate awarded in upcoming primaries to reach the 1,237 needed for nomination at the July […]