WCBM Top Stories

Gallup: 3 Out of 4 Minorities Support Voter I.D. Laws

Aug 25, 2016 | 11:03am
A new Gallup poll released Monday shows three out of four nonwhite persons in the U.S. support voter I.D. laws, throwing a nice logic-sized wrench into the claim that blacks and Hispanics are universally opposed to the generally GOP-favored voting requirement. An oft-used argument against the implementation of voter I.D. laws is the notion that they’ll unfairly target […]

Baltimore County Schools to Continue Study of Religious Holiday Issue

Aug 25, 2016 | 10:18am
Despite rejecting a move to close schools on certain Muslim holidays, Baltimore County school board members said they aren’t dropping the issue. The decision to continue examining when schools should close for religious holidays came after a contentious meeting at which the board voted 6-5 not to grant the holiday closures requested by members of […]