A Moment of Silence for Iran? Arrest Warrant for Bibi?

Has The World Gone Insane?

Why America Must Establish a Bona Fide Policy Plan, Identify Goals – In Foreign and Domestic Policy

We live in a world in which the number of aggressor nations are on the rise, while human rights violators go unpunished.

Thus, it’s concerning to see the United Nations recently holding a moment of silence for the late President of Iran Ebrahim Seyyed Raisi, who perished in a helicopter crash on May 19. Raisi was known as “The Butcher of Iran.”

Yet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders are faced with arrest warrants. The message sent is a global one, that aggression and terror will be tolerated, while those who stand up to it are condemned.

It’s no wonder a watching China sends warplanes near Taiwan, Russia invades Ukraine, and North Korea threatens South Korea.

It’s abundantly clear that the serious threat to peace and security is indeed global.

By holding that moment of silence the United Nations and the United States undermine their values and credibility. The UN has become a “monster,” one the U.S. created and funds. It seemingly empowers dictators and corrupt governments to set the tone and rules regarding American values.

Thus, one of the main concerns with the United Nations is its lack of accountability and transparency. The organization appears to operate above the law, not serving American interests well.

Now more than ever, the U.S. must take swift action to hold the United Nations accountable, ensuring that it upholds democratic values, and align its foreign policy with the principles outlined in the Constitution, or . . . let the UN be defunded immediately.

The funding of the United Nations to the tune of 20 billion dollars per year raises questions about whether or not this is in line with the values of our Constitution.

We can no longer afford to waste taxpayer dollars on UN initiatives which do not further the goals of the United States or protect the interests of its citizens and allies.

If this funding is in fact empowering and protecting nations who do not have the best interests of the United States at heart, then it must be reassessed and reallocated to more beneficial endeavors.

America has always prided itself on being a nation Founded on the principles of democracy, freedom, and justice.

The Constitution of the United States (1789) serves as the cornerstone of our nation.

That treasured document outlines the goals and objectives that we as a nation continually strive to achieve.

In the same way that any business must have a clear business plan in order to be successful, America too must have a clear updated 2024 and forward business plan based on the values of the Constitution.

Such a plan must be geared for both domoestic and foreign policy.

America consistently displays weakness to anti-west governments, and even to its own allies, by the lack of consistency in foreign policy as seen in presidential administrations.

Each new administration may have a different approach to foreign policy, leading to confusion and inconsistency in America’s stance on global issues.

This is wishy-washy, and not not only weakens America’s position on the world stage but also allows anti-democratic regimes to take advantage of the United States, and her allies, while furthering their own sinister agendas and interests.

In the new millennium, many within the younger generation seem to be straying away from our fundamental constitutional values and promoting anti-freedom and anti-human rights agendas under the guise of freedom of speech.

Furthermore, with quality education we can ensure that America remains true to its Founding principles and continues to be a beacon of democracy and freedom for generations to come.

Also, education is key in shaping the next generation’s understanding and appreciation of constitutional values.

The alarming trend of ignorance among youth must be addressed before it undermines the very fabric of our society.

To combat this, we must establish red lines that cannot be crossed, such as supporting anti-western policies and disrespecting the flag of the United States.

These must be imparted to and through our educational institutions.

Punishments for such actions must be implemented, for the purpose of seeing that respect and honor of our nation is upheld.

Additonally, there must be a clear separation created between foreign policy and U.S. constitutional policy. Adhering to the basic constitutional principles maintains credibility both domestically and internationally.

It’s crucial that we do not waver; especially in the face of our adversaries.

We can no longer allow the confusion and ignorance we are witnessing today, to persist.

America is no different than any corporation which must regularly reassess its goals, objectives, and spending, so too must America. We must ensure that our tax dollars are being spent in a way that aligns with the values of the Constitution and furthers the goals of our nation.

Only by calling for a national assessment of just what our goals and plans are: policies, funding decisions, and foreign relations, can we eliminate any failures in government spending that do not align with our constitutional values.

Only then can we truly establish a more perfect union and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and posterity.

This can only cause leadership to not engage in decisions contrary to our American values.

And we can even end major foreign policy blunders.

Duvi Honig is founder and chief executive officer of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce. The Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce is a global umbrella of businesses of all sizes, bridging the highest echelons of the business and governmental worlds together stimulating economic opportunity and positively affecting public policy of governments. His work has been recognized by both Presidents Obama and Trump. Read more of his reports — Here.

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