American Dream’s Private Property Rights Under Siege

In every corner of our nation, a silent battle is being waged.

From the bustling streets of urban neighborhoods to the quiet expanses of rural America, local governments increasingly infringe upon one of the most fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution: the right to private property.

State and federal governments collectively have skimmed a combined total of $68.8 billion dollars between 2000 and 2019 through forfeiture.

Not only can the government take land through eminent domain they can also restrict what you do with your private property.

This right, essential to individual liberty and the pursuit of prosperity, is being undermined by overreaching local ordinances and regulations restricting how property owners can use their own land.

The heart of the issue lies in a growing, ominous practice by local and state bureaucratic officials dictating to homeowners and farmers what they can and cannot do with their property.

Consider a young couple, first-time homeowners, who wish to supplement their income by renting out their home on Airbnb.

They find themselves barred by zoning laws designed more to protect hotel interests than to support entrepreneurial endeavors.

Or farmers, stewards of their land for generations, who face excessive bureaucratic hurdles preventing them from developing their property, whether for expanding agricultural operations or for selling a portion of their own land to sustain their livelihoods.

These are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern where local governments, often influenced by a vocal minority, impose restrictive zoning laws and development regulations that amount to nothing less than a stranglehold on property owners’ rights.

These regulations not only stifle individual economic freedom they also reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of government in a free society.

Local officials justify these intrusions under the guise of “community planning” and “sustainability.”

However, these terms have become convenient disguises for overreach of the sort benefitting those who are financially advantaged, and considered the ruling class, while disadvantaging others, particularly new homeowners and small farmers.

This regulatory overreach not only contravenes the spirit of individual liberty but also impedes the economic development of the communities these officials claim to serve.

Private property is a cornerstone and a foundation in America, one which drives prosperity and growth.

When people speak of the American Dream, they are not dreaming of becoming eternal renters.

America’s Founders understood that the rights of people to freely acquire, use and dispose of property as they see fit were central to the survival of a free society.

It’s time for property owners to stand up against this tide of regulation threatening their rights and livelihoods.

We must remind our locally elected officials that they serve at the behest of their constituents, not as overlords to dictate our economic choices and lifestyles.

Communities must rally to demand revisions to, or the repeal of, overbearing regulations infringing upon private property rights.

The fight for property rights is a fight for the soul of America.

It’s about defending the individual’s right to use their property to realize their dreams, be it through innovation, development, or simply the pursuit of happiness.

Charlie Kolean is the Chief Political Strategist at RED PAC. Charlie has worked as a senior policy advisor for numerous state legislators, multinational corporations and think tanks. Mr. Kolean has been involved in politics for over a decade as an activist, candidate, political consultant, and party leader. Kolean was a bundler on the Trump Finance Victory Committee. Charlie is a member of the American Association of Political Consultants. Readmore of his reports Here.

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