Attorney: IRS Whistleblowers Helped Expose Hunter Biden

(Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)

If not for two IRS whistleblowers, Hunter Biden might never have been brought to justice.

Tristan Leavitt, the president of Empire Oversight, the anti-corruption organization representing Gary Shapley, praised him and fellow IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler for disclosing to Congress how special counsel David Weiss was reluctant to charge the president’s son.

“Weiss had allowed the statute of limitations to lapse on the most serious charges — Hunter Biden engaging in a scheme to hide his foreign income from Burisma in 2014 and 2015 — money that raised serious questions about just what he (and his family) did to earn it,” Leavitt wrote on X.

Last year, Shapley told CBS News that his efforts to investigate money trails that involved “dad” or “the big guy” — references to President Joe Biden — were blocked by a senior prosecutor working for Weiss, who led the probe. Weiss has denied the accusations.

Leavitt, who previously worked for Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said the whistleblowers disclosed more crimes to the IRS and Department of Justice than Biden has been charged with.

“They also provided documents to the House showing how Hunter Biden’s testimony to Congress was contradicted by the facts,” Leavitt said. “All eyes should now be on David Weiss to see whether he follows through with the tax felony trial and whether he acts on the House’s perjury referral.”

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