Black Women Rally Behind Biden

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Black women are coalescing around President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in a letter released Thursday indicating their support, reports The Hill.

The letter’s writers say attempts to alter a Biden/Harris ticket “circumvent the will of millions of voters who participated in a democratic process.”

“The suggestion that any candidate who won their primary should simply step aside because victory appears difficult at the moment is disrespectful to the voters, unjust and undemocratic,” the letter reads.

Among the notable names to sign the note are Carol Moseley Braun, the first Black woman elected to the Senate, and Keisha Lance Bottoms, former senior adviser to President Joe Biden and former mayor of Atlanta.

The letter comes amid an onslaught of calls across both sides of the aisle for the president to abandon his reelection bid.

“The Biden-Harris Administration is running on a solid record of historic legislative accomplishments and a commitment to finish their agenda to improve the lives of all Americans, protect our rights, freedoms and democracy,” the letter reads, adding it is unfair to judge Biden for a “bad 90-minute debate performance.”

“History is a great teacher and has taught us that a divided house will fail,” the letter read.

The authors went on to say the Democratic Party needs to unify and stop attacking “their own presidential nominee.”

“History also reflects that Black women are the most reliable voting Bloc for democrats. When black women vote in record numbers, democrats win The White House, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, governorships, state legislatures, mayors’ races and other local races across the nation. When black women lead, organize, mobilize, encourage and influence our families, spouses, partners, nieces, nephews and neighbors to own their power and vote, democrats win,” the letter concluded.

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