Boston Mayor Wants to Go Easy on Criminals, Punish Police

The last time I recall, things were not great in Boston right now.

Along with a rising criminal element and the lack of support by Democratic leaders to hire more police officers, they’re also dealing with a large wave of migrants that have come to the city. Things could definitely be better there.

But Democratic Mayor Michelle Wu simply wants to make things worse.

Prior to her hiring in office (according to Fox News), Wu took part in filling out a “2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire,” as provided by Progressive Massachusetts. In it, she made a number of statements that might be considered troubling, particularly with support over noncitizens being able to vote in Boston’s local elections.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, however.

She also noted her interest in “shuttering the Boston Police gang database” upon being asked. What’s more, she noted how several “petty” crimes, as she puts it, should be declined for prosecution.

This includes shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering with property damage, wanton and malicious destruction of property, threats, minor in possession of alcohol, marijuana possession, possession with intent to distribute, nonmarijuana drug possession.

So … in other words … make crime legal in Boston, I suppose? Save for murder, maybe. Depends on how Wu feels about that.

And it continues. When asked about the Suffolk County District Attorney office’s do-not-prosecute list and expanded approach to dealing with … low-level offenses,” she was in favor. In the same breath, she also mentioned how law enforcement should be “demilitariz(ed).” That includes taking away the ability to use dogs, rubber bullets and tear gas.

It keeps going, though. She notes that she has “advocated for terminating any (Boston Police Department) employees who were involved with the January 6th Capitol insurrection” and also wants to publicize personnel files with the public relating to “use-of-force” by officers.

“[W]e must ensure that contract language enables the sharing of data with the public on officers’ use-of-force and misconduct and allows disciplinary records to be made publicly accessible, in accordance with privacy laws,” she noted.

There are other bits and pieces as well, but the general gist of her replies indicates that she’s very anti-police, and has no trouble punishing said police if they’re not following the code of conduct she’s demanding.

And, mind you, she’s also noting that “lower level” crimes shouldn’t be prosecuted in the least. But she’s failing to realize that, by letting said criminals “off the hook,” they’ll never learn their lesson. And they’ll simply keep going.

This is frightening to read. But what’s even scarier is that it appears that Wu has implemented some of these policies in Boston already.

Think about it. Police are now at an all-time low within the city when it comes to numbers. And her Democratic colleagues absolutely refuse to budge on providing them more money to battle the growing criminal rate within the city, not to mention what’s happening with migrants.

With her words, I have absolutely no doubt this is her decision-making.

But the idea that she doesn’t think “smaller” criminal acts should be punished is insane.

True, we shouldn’t throw a shoplifter in a jail cell for 20 years next to the murderers and rapists. But we should set up some kind of punishment to remind them to not do it again.

A slap on the wrists would ensure that they’re going to have repeat behavior, believing that good ol’ Wu will let them go.

This is a dangerous mentality, not only for the police that are working tirelessly to keep law and order within the city, but also the citizens who now have to deal with this criminal element that their own mayor seems to be siding with.

The only good that will come from this is that people will remember the chaos that Wu has created. And for a woman who once demanded from her own “f***ing council” that she deserves to be respected, this is proof that she simply doesn’t deserve it.

The Democratic Party, through the voice of the Democratic mayor of Boston, has clearly articulated the liberal, progressive ideology worse than communism that no person is any longer a countable for their actions.

Lawlessness and chaos are the normal behavior of the day. It is an ideology that will destroy the freedom and justice that Americans have cherished and defended with their sacred fortune, lives and honor.

Stop worrying about your own agenda and take care of your citizens, Wu.

Michael Letts is the Founder and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping to re-fund police by contributing thousands of bulletproof vests for police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience. Read More Michael Letts reports — Here.

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