Calley Means to Newsmax: Institutions Profit Off Sick Kids

Author and healthcare advocate Calley Means told Newsmax on Monday that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have “bonded” on the issue of the health and wellbeing of the “forgotten American child.”

Means joined “Rob Schmitt Tonight” to talk about the existential health threat to American children, who are being poisoned by an industry that profits off their sickness.

“I think it’s really corruption versus the uniparty issues, not really partisan issues at all, that are of an existential nature. And you know what? What I think, President Trump and RFK frankly, I’ve been engaging both sides of the aisle, but they have really picked up on this issue,” said Means, who along with his sister, Casey Means, authored a book titled “Good Energy.”

“It’s just existential,” Calley Means told Schmitt, rattling off these figures:

  • “25 to 30% of young adults now have pre-diabetes;
  • 50% of young adults are overweight or obese;
  • 20% of teens have fatty liver disease;
  • 40% of teens now qualify as having a mental health disorder.”

“These statistics were close to zero a generation ago. We’ve had a poisoning of our environment, a poisoning of our food,” Means said. “[I]t’s very simple: our biggest institutions profit when kids are addicted and they’re sick and they’re depressed. That’s just the economic systems that we have and that have co-opted our government.”

These issues were once core to Kennedy’s independent presidential campaign, one that he now teams up with Trump on, Means said.

“So whatever side of the aisle you’re on, you’ve got to commend these two men,” he said. “And I will say from my small vantage point, this was not about horse trading. This was not about the polling. They bonded on this issue and wanted to bring these issues of the forgotten American child who’s suffering to the top of the national debate. And I’m very glad it’s happening.”


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