Caroline Glick to Newsmax: Harris’ Boycott of Netanyahu Speech Alarming

Caroline Glick, editor of The Jewish News, told Newsmax on Thursday that Vice President Kamala Harris’ boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday was alarming and likely a preview of how she would treat Israel if elected president this fall.

Glick, appearing on “Wake Up America,” said the protests in Washington, D.C., as Netanyahu gave his speech, were a sign of increasing hostility toward Jews from the Democratic Party.

“I think it’s alarming, first and foremost, for the United States of America, because we saw the protesters, the rioters, outside of Congress burning the American flag at Union Station and calling death to America at Union Station, and they provided one heck of a contrast to what was happening inside the joint session, where Prime Minister Netanyahu was talking about the wonder of America and the importance of America and his love for America and the importance of the Israel-America alliance,” Glick said.

“So, I think that that should be alarming to Americans, first and foremost, but, obviously, for Israel, it’s a source of great concern that we are likely to see the Democratic Party in its current trajectory becoming increasingly hostile to the Jewish state and to Jewish Americans, if things don’t change. And more than [former House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.], who was just … I felt it was obnoxious what she said.

“I mean, you boycott a speech and you pan it? You weren’t even there. And second of all, she wouldn’t even allow herself to be affected by what he said. She didn’t want to. She is completely closed off to him.

“But more alarming than that, of course, was the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris refused to attend and perform her functions as president pro tempore of the Senate by presiding over the event. And, as the Democratic nominee for the presidency, the fact that she behaved in such a way is a source of alarm of what we will likely receive from a Harris presidency should she be elected in November.”

Netanyahu’s speech was “a master stroke,” Glick said, and “really hit all of the subjects that we needed him to hit in Israel.”

“I thought it was very important that, for the first time in nine months, Israel’s leader finally had an opportunity to bring the truth of Israel, the case of Israel, of the humanity, the heroism of Israel, and also the imperative of supporting Israel and of Israeli victory for Israel and for the free world, to a global audience,” she said. “Now the task remains before us to achieve the goals of this war and, for that, he has the meetings today with President Biden and with Vice President Harris, to secure their support for what lays ahead.”


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