Defeat Hamas and Trounce Its Delusional Supporters

Decent people, caring people in the United States and in Israel were devastated and dumbstruck upon hearing the news that Hamas brutally murdered 6 hostages: Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov and Eden Yerushalmi and U.S. citizen Hersh Golberg Polin.

And yet, as incomprehensible as it is, there were those who support Hamas. Their sentiments were the polar opposite. Some deluded people support the terrorist group Hamas.

One very candid Hamas supporter in New York City said Hersh deserved to die. Why did Hersh deserve to die? Because he was a Jew.

How do people become so disconnected from morality and the “Right Path” and instead advocate and support evil? How is it possible that people support Hamas and even further — that people actually think that Hamas represents the Palestinian people.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hamas is indeed the modern version of Nazi German ideology. Like the Nazis this terrorist organization’s objective is to murder as many Jews as possible.

There are also many differences between Hamas and the Nazis. One difference is that the Nazis and the Germans involved in the murder of the Jews fundamentally knew and understood that mass murdering Jews was wrong.

It was wrong to mass murder people simply because they were Jews. It was for that reason that the Nazis kept their murder process secret from the world and from much of Germany, at least at the beginning.

The Nazi strategy of keeping the murder process secret was to avoid domestic and world pressure to stop. And so they kept the murder process from the mass population of Germany.

The leadership knew that the German population would not sanction mass murder of Jews.

Hamas, since the massacre began on October 7, has embraced the mass murder and glorified the kidnapping. Hamas has broadcast their evil deeds.

Hamas has reasons for their press announcements and their media messaging. Their announcements and statements are almost always designed to place extreme amounts of pressure on Israel.

The objective is to terrorize Israelis by showing videos the kidnapped victims. Each video shows a victim blaming Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for their awful treatment and ultimately for the deaths of the hostages.

Hamas wants Israelis to press Bibi Netanyahu into a deal favoring Hamas. They especially want the families of the hostages to be very upset. The more upset the more pressure.

And when the families are upset the entire country is upset. It becomes a pressure cooker. Israel is one big family.

At the same time Hamas wants the world, especially world leaders, to apply more pressure on Israel. They are counting on Muslim and Arab countries to raise a racket.

They expect countries that are part of the Abraham Accords and others who have diplomatic relations with Israel will be angered at the number of Muslim deaths by the hand of Israel.

Hamas knows that Israel wants to expand ties in the Muslim world. It hits a very sensitive nerve for Israel.

Abu Ubaida, Hamas spokesperson, said: “We say to everyone clearly that after the Nuseirat incident, new instructions were issued to the Mujahideen assigned to guard the prisoners regarding dealing with them if the occupation army approached their place of detention.”

“Echoing him, Netanyahu killed the six prisoners and he is determined to kill the remaining ones,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official.

“The Israelis should choose between Netanyahu or the deal,” Zuri said, referring to a proposed cease-fire plan that the prime minister has balked at partly because it does not ensure the eradication of Hamas”

The German media outlet The BILD has authenticated a document that Hamas leader Yihya Sinwar approved. The document on a computer discusses Hamas’ strategy. It confirms the strategy that one of the main goals of Hamas is to apply as much pressure on Israel as possible.

The pressure should be brought internally by the families of the kidnapped victims and externally by foreign leaders. According to The BILD, Israel should always be blamed for everything, especially for the failed cease-fire talks. It does not matter if it is true. The international media needs to be fed the Hamas propaganda.

The document reads: “Continue to exert psychological pressure on the families of the [hostages], both now and during the first phase [of the cease-fire] so that public pressure on the enemy government increases.”

The BILD document also says that Hamas wants Arab armies to serve as a buffer on the border between Gaza and Israel until Hamas rebuilds their forces.

The document reads: “Arab forces be stationed along the eastern and northern borders” with Israel.

This is in order to have the sole purpose of “serving as a buffer to prevent the enemy from entering Gaza after the war ends until we have reorganized their ranks and military capabilities.”

May that day never come!

Micah Halpern is a political and foreign affairs commentator. He founded “The Micah Report” and hosts “Thinking Out Loud with Micah Halpern,” a weekly TV program, and “My Chopp,” a daily radio spot. Follow him on Twitter @MicahHalpern. Read Micah Halpern’s Reports — More Here.

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