Dems: Invite Netanyahu, but Pass Foreign Aid Package


Congressional Democrats have told their Republican counterparts that they are free to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress, but pushed the GOP to approve foreign aid funding first.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said on Thursday, in an interview with CNBC, that he “would love to have” Netanyahu “come in and address a joint session of Congress,” adding, “We’ll certainly extend that invitation.”

House Democrat Whip Katherine Clark, D-Mass., told reporters after Johnson’s interview that Democrats would not attempt to stop Johnson from inviting Netanyahu, but argued that a greater show of support for Israel would be to pass the $66 billion foreign aid package that includes aid for Israel as well as Ukraine.

“There is one group in Congress that is holding up that national security supplement that is needed, desperately, by the people of Ukraine and so many of our other allies. And that is the House GOP,” Clark said on Thursday.

“That bill needs to come to the floor,” she added. “So you can invite whomever you like to come and address Congress. But do the work that needs to be done.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., recently sparked controversy after criticizing Netanyahu and his administration’s policies and conduct in Gaza, saying, “Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel,” and calling for new elections in the country.

Schumer said on Thursday, “I will always welcome the opportunity for the prime minister of Israel to speak to Congress in a bipartisan way.”

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