Dick Morris to Newsmax: Dem Hail Mary on Trump ‘Very Likely to Backfire’

Democrats and President Joe Biden realize they are losing their grip on the usually reliable voters, especially the younger voters, throwing up Hail Marys against Donald Trump, presidential adviser Dick Morris told Newsmax.

“Fundamentally, Biden has no issues,” Morris told “Saturday Report.” “There is nothing he has going for him. He has nothing to say He has no issues.

“His negatives on Trump are really not landing and I think they’re very likely to backfire.”

The “get Trump” weaponization of justice campaigns and liberal media attack points are ultimately going to turn off skeptical independent voters who see right through it all, Morris told host Rita Cosby.

“The Democrats in a Hail Mary, desperate move are essentially saying we’re going to devote the next 6-8 weeks of this presidential race talking about Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump, and who was paid, and what they were paid for, and was that really hush money, and above all, the tiny technical issue of where you paying them out of campaign funds or out of personal funds?” Morris continued. “I believe that the public is just gonna go crazy.

“I think they can look at this and say, ‘Are you kidding me? With the international situation we have, and dangers we face, and the economy as the inflation ticking back up, you’re going to tell me to vote for Biden based on this?’”

Also, Biden’s move to “buy” young voters through further student loan debt forgiveness shows he realizes he has lost the stranglehold on America’s youth, according to Morris.

“He’s obviously doing it because his ratings with young voters is way down,” Morris said. “He has always been able to count on voters under 30 as the stalwart base for the Democratic Party and now he can’t. They’re increasingly going over to Trump and he’s hoping that they the debt issue and the payoffs will buy him enough support to overcome that.”

Young voters are moving to Trump and eschewing the Democrats’ “desperate” efforts in part because of their early adult experiences coming out of COVID-19 under Biden, Morris continued.

“But I think these are fundamentally misreading why under-30 voters are coming to Trump,” he said. “It’s obviously large by the economy, but it’s also the invisible scar that’s left on that generation by the lockdowns: Being told that you can’t date, you can’t work, you can’t go out, and basically you can’t have your childhood.

“And I think that that is causing a massive backlash among young voters, and I don’t think the debt forgiveness is really going to help them much.”

In fact, it only going to help Trump at the ballot box in November, Morris concluded.

“I think it may stick in their mind the other way,” he said of debt forgiveness schemes. “They may see it as just B.S. They may also fear that it’s going to be reversed by the court and it smacks up such desperation and such crass buying of votes.

“I’m not sure it’s going to come through unscathed. I think the underlying facts of the economy, their ruined adolescence, the lockdowns and the tyranny they saw, then I think they very likely will continue the move toward Trump.”


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