Former DNI Ratcliffe: Biden Conducting Lawfare Against Americans by Convicting Trump

(Patrick Semansky/AP)

President Donald Trump said it best regarding his guilty verdict in that it was “rigged,” former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Fox News.

“It was rigged from start to finish, it was rigged from top to bottom, there was a rigged prosecutor,” Ratcliffe told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” adding that it was evident in New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s press conference when he said that he did his job.

“This judge is biased against Donald Trump, and how he ended up with all of the Trump cases is one issue,” but telling the jury that their verdict does not need to be unanimous shows its being rigged as well, Ratcliffe said.

The American people “know it’s rigged, and they know who likely rigged it,” Ratcliffe added, seemingly referring to the Biden administration, which met with all four prosecutors who went after Trump once he decided to run for president again.

“All of these people in all of these jurisdictions … are proxies of the Biden White House,” Ratcliffe added.

“Joe Biden is using legal proxies to conduct this lawfare against the American people by convicting Donald Trump” and trying to effectively take the voters’ choice off the ballot, Ratcliffe said, adding that “the American people see through this.”

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