Gettysburg Student Who Scratched Racial Slur on Teammate Gone

(Bill H/Dreamstime)

Gettysburg College administrators said that the student accused of scratching a racial slur into someone’s body is no longer enrolled at the school, The Hill reports.

College President Bob Iuliano said that the incident occurred at an “informal social gathering at an on-campus residence.”

Two students, including the victim, were also removed from the swim team as a result of the incident.

According to the victim’s family, their son was “the only person of color” at the team gathering and the perpetrator was someone he had previously “considered a friend.”

“In less than 48 hours after the incident, our son was interviewed by the members of the coaching staff and summarily dismissed (not suspended) from the swim team. The punitive action was taken prior to the commencement of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities’ own investigation. This does not appear to have followed the policies and procedures stated in the Gettysburg College Student-Athlete Manual,” the family said in a statement in response to their son’s removal from the team.

In a joint statement by the family and the school, they discussed their intention to conduct a full investigation, saying that “the College and the family both recognize the gravity and seriousness of this situation and hope it can serve as a transformative moment for our community and beyond.”

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