Gotham’s Crime, Migrant Crisis, and Mayhem Open Door for Trump

Three cheers for the uncle of slain New York City Police Department Detective Jonathan Diller who told Gov. Kathy Hochul, D-N.Y., that “his blood is on your hands,” when she disrespectfully and insensitively barged uninvited into his wake.

He was and is right.

Detective Diller was posthumously promoted to the rank of detective with a new badge number 110, the birth date of his one-year-old son.

Hochul is not the only one who has Diller’s blood on their hands.

So does Manhattan District Attorney —”Get Out of Jail Free Card” Alvin Bragg and all of his and Hochul’s Democratic political colleagues in the Empire State state who supported soft-on crime bail reform laws.

Such measures allow thugs such as Detective Diller’s killer to be released, to victimize the public even though he had a long rap sheet with 21 previous arrests.

What the major left media and their political pundit allies won’t tell you is that Diller’s blood is also on the hands of every Democrat who voted for the Democratic politicians whose policies laid the foundation for the pro-criminal legal and judicial environment.

No connecting the dots. No mystery: an environment leading directly to Diller’s murder. 

Not only is Diller’s blood on their hands, there is also plenty of political dirt including:

My message to them: don’t complain, it’s your fault, you elected these politicians and they have given you the government you deserve!

Illegal immigration and crime are also angering residents in Chicago who have said that migrants could “destroy” Black communities.

It’s so bad that some Blacks are urging Black voters to support Trump and others are saying it’s time for the “citizens of Chicago to turn Chicago red.”

To Black voters in Chicago, and other blue cities, I have the same message I do for voters in New York: it’s your fault!

You elected the Democratic politicians who are giving preferential seating and government handouts to illegal immigrants while relegating the needs and interests of their most loyal constituency — you — to the back of the bus.

What’s sad is that voters in New York, Chicago, and other Democratic-controlled cities will most likely continue to vote for the same Democratic politicians whose policies are responsible for the bloodshed, crime, and invasion of their communities.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that, to Democratic leaders and their progressive allies, a few rapes, sex trafficking, and other criminal behavior — including murder — by illegal immigrants are small prices to pay for achieving their ultimate goal: turning millions of illegal immigrants into Democratic voters with the hopes of flipping states like Florida and Texas from red to blue.

My question is: Where is the GOP to offer alternative political choices in these cities?

In most cases, nowhere to be found.

The Republican establishment has failed to reach out to Black voters and show them how Biden’s and Democrats’ pro-illegal immigration and soft-on crime policies are harming their communities.

This is fertile ground for Donald Trump who asked Black voters in 2016 “What the hell do you have to lose?

Trump should fill that void!

If he does, he might just get surprising support for showing that he cares.

It won’t be that difficult.

A series of polls last month found Trump winning from 20 to 28% of Black voters and 45 to 48% of Hispanic voters. This is far more than the 12 and 32%, respectively, he won in 2020 according to the Edison Research exit polls.

The latest Wall St Journal Poll in seven key swing states confirms how far Biden has fallen among both groups since 2020: from 91% to 68% for Blacks and from 63% to 48% for Hispanics.

If these numbers are even close to reality and hold up, the election is already over — Trump will win in a landslide!

Trump should take his “border bloodbath” and Democrats are “soft-on crime” message to the deep blue strongholds of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit.

I’m betting that it will be well received.

Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations and training consulting firm in Florida. He is the author of “How Obama Failed Black America and How Trump Is Helping It.” Read Clarence V. McKee’s Reports More Here. 

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