Has Biden Ordered Fed Agencies to Harvest Friendly Votes?

President Joe Biden and his administration are working through executive orders and other tactics to orchestrate a federal government takeover of constitutionally delegated control of national voting and use taxpayer money to essentially harvest ballots most favorable to election of its party candidates.

Central to this agenda is a little-recognized March 2021 Executive Order 14019, stating, “It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to expand access to, and education about, voter registration and election information.”

The EO applies this broad premise to require every federal agency head to create plans related to voter registration which include ensuring access to certain incarcerated individuals in federal custody, while also directing the attorney general to “coordinate with the Probation and Pretrial Services Office to develop similar procedures for eligible individuals under its supervision.”

A coalition of 15 secretaries of state together with other state officials are pushing back, asserting that the EO is in direct conflict with Article 1 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution which mandates that times, places, and manner of holding elections shall be left to the state legislatures.

In Aug. 2022, a year after the EO was issued and having received no White House explanation of apparent legal violations, the coalition sent a letter asking President Biden to rescind the directive.

The request was signed by secretaries of state from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The letter pointed out that the EO was issued without constitutional authority or congressional approval which called for federal agencies to duplicate voter registration efforts conducted at the state level, ignoring codified procedures and programs in their state constitutions and laws.

The AGs argued: “Involving federal agencies in the registration process will produce duplicate registrations, confuse citizens, and complicate the jobs of our county clerks and election officials.”

The letter statement added, “If implemented, the executive order would also erode the responsibility and duties of the state legislatures and their situational duty within the Election Clause.”

After finally receiving a White House invitation to teleconference about the matter earlier this month, West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner characterized the originating EO as a politically motivated Biden attempt to “improperly influence the outcome of the November General Election.”

Following what he termed as a “frustrating and convoluted conference call” between the White House and representatives of the secretary of state coalition, Sen. Warner issued a statement that: “There is no such responsibility enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, and the 10th Amendment clearly states that powers not expressly given to the Federal Government and the Constitution are reserved for the states.”

Warner pledged: “West Virginia will emphatically not give up our State’s duty to register voters in a nonpartisan manner to the Federal government, nor will we accept voter registration forms collected by Federal agents. White House overtaking of State responsibilities is something we will fight all the way to the Supreme Court.”

Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson stated in an April 10 opinion column that when he asked a White House official about plans submitted by each agency to carry out the executive order he was told they weren’t intended to be made public.

The Biden administration wasted no time nor leverage working to register liberal-leaning voters before November which make more than 600 federal agencies de facto voter registration centers along with unlisted nonprofit surrogates supported on the government dole.

Soon after the EO was issued, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that federal health centers across the nation now have discretion to participate in outside activities — including voter registration — beyond its previous program scope.

Included, is “allowing non-partisan organizations to conduct on-site voter registration.”

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) instructed more than 3,000 public housing authorities managing about 1.2 million public housing units across the country to run voter registration drives.

The U.S. Department of Education sent a letter to universities directing them to use Federal Work Study Funds “to support voter registration activities” both on and off campus among blatant Biden conflicts of interest in promising to cancel billions of dollars of student debt which, according to a recent Supreme Court ruling on a previous attempt, exceed executive branch authority reserved for Congress.

Likewise, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued letters to state agencies administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Woman’s Infants and Children’s (WIC) low-income food program, instructing them to carry out voter registration activities with federal funds.

It’s no coincidence here that during the 2022 election cycle, the American Federation of Government Employees political action committee reportedly gave 94.6% of contributions to Democratic candidates.

As West Virginia Sen. Mac Warren observes, “Biden’s executive order is nothing more than another attempt by the White House to take away states’ powers, federalize our elections, and turn voter registration into a partisan activity.”

Warner notes, “What’s even more disgusting is the timing of these [federal agency] announcements,” adding that “This is Biden’s attempt to improperly influence the outcome of the November General Election.”

Whereas the Democratic and legacy media uproar would be deafening if any incumbent Republican president tried this, they are nevertheless collaborating to brand Trump as a “threat to democracy” rather than the true tyrant they enabled and own.

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 12 books is “Architectures Beyond Boxes and Boundaries: My Life By Design” (2022). Read Larry Bell’s Reports — More Here.

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