Intel Chair Warner: Russia Will Meddle in UK Elections

Barely two weeks before British voters go to the polls, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Mark Warner, D-Va., predicted Tuesday that their general election would be the site of major Russian interference.

“I think the next big test of the state of play will be the British elections,” Warner told a reporters in Washington, D.C., during a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. 

He explained: “Russia does not like the fact that the U.K. has been as strong as they have been in terms of defense of Ukraine.”

Warner recounted that Russian interference in elections worldwide has been going on for years, in his words, “if we … go back to [Donald] Trump’s first election [in 2016], where Russia so actively played with writing checks.” 

Asked by Newsmax whether there would also be high-tech Russian interference in the June 30 and July 7 parliamentary elections in France, the Virginian replied that he was not up on the latest news following French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent call of a “snap election.”

“Let me get a readout and maybe you can follow up with my office. That’s a fair question,” Warner said. 

He added that the positions on Ukraine of populist leader Marine Le Pen and Macron differ. Le Pen, while critical of Russia for the invasion of Ukraine, does not support French military backing of the government of Ukrainian President Voldymyr Zelenskyy. Macron strongly backs such support.  

John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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