Is Gun Safety Paramount to Rights of Citizens?

The Second Amendment, in a nutshell notes, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

It goes into much more depth than that, but the general gist of it is that people are allowed to own a firearm and, in the states allowed, even carry it with them, provided they have the license and/or permit in which to do so.

Some states have been trying to set up laws to fight against this right, believing that the safety of guns is more important than the rights of U.S. citizens. But, for the most part, we’ve seen these knocked down.

However, for the first time ever, I’ve seen an instance where the Second Amendment is actually working against Americans. And that’s with a judge’s recent decision to arm illegal immigrants. I’m not kidding.

In the face of one of the worst border crises that we’ve ever seen in our country, Obama-appointed federal Judge Sharon Johnson of Illinois just announce a decision that the prohibition of illegal immigrants from possessing firearms constitutes a form of violation on the Second Amendment.

As such, thanks to her ruling, they are allowed to purchase any firearms they please.

She says that the statute “violates the Second Amendment as applied” to the subject in her case, defendant Hariberto Carbajal-Flores. He had a handgun in his possession during an arrest back in June 2020, in which he noted it was simply for self-defense.

I understand that Johnson was trying to do right under the Second Amendment. But what she fails to realize is the Constitution is protecting the people of the United States. Not illegal immigrants.

However, thanks to this decision, thousands may now attempt to get their hands on firearms. And what’s more, some of them won’t have security in mind.

I don’t need to tell you about the cases I’ve read involving some illegal immigrant attacking an American (like we’ve seen to the police in New York City) or even going as far as to murder someone. Now, thanks to Johnson’s decision, I can only see these cases escalating.

What’s more, many are asking about the logic behind this decision, especially those living in states where gun restrictions are in place. Tim Young, a host for the show Tim Runs His Mouth, brings up a very interesting point on X/Twitter.

“They’ll stop law abiding American citizens from owning guns, but not illegal immigrants. When is enough, enough?”

Great question, Tim. The problem is we have an administration that pretty much doesn’t care either way.

Think about it. Biden’s been so determined to get his “assault weapons” ban moving again that he even opened up a special office within the White House to research the matter further. That’s taxpayer dollars being wasted on internal people instead of, I don’t know, more police officers? More Border Patrol agents?

Not to mention his complete ignorance on what’s happening at the Southern border. Thousands of migrants continue to make their way into this country, and he doesn’t even have a viable solution. It’s about to leave a big stain on his attempted re-election campaign, which he’s fueling based on the “rancid” comments by his main competitor, former President Donald Trump.

This is what leadership has become. Concerned about giving out the rights to so many, and yet taking things away and leaving people in a fearful enough place that they have nowhere else to turn … but to Biden.

It’s not going to work. In fact, a decision like this can only erupt into chaos. I see even more violence happening, more police being injured, and more ignorance on the part of Biden, if only because he can grin and say that his “environmental plan” is working.

But it’s odd how he’s spending so much time on the future of the United States when everything is going the way it is in the current day and age.

He needs to wake up. He needs to act. And he needs to reverse this Johnson decision before more of his beloved voters end up hurt or killed.

Stay strong, people. We need to see this through.

Michael Letts is the Founder and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots nonprofit organization helping to re-fund police by contributing thousands of bulletproof vests for police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience. Read More Michael Letts reports — Here.

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