Jill Biden Not Giving Up First Lady Gig Anytime Soon

It was quite a week for first lady, Dr. Jill Biden.

She attended the trial of her stepson, Hunter Biden, in Wilmington, Delaware the first three days of the week. Then, she flew to France to participate in the ceremonies for the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday, with her husband, President Joe Biden.

Then, she flew back to Wilmington, Delaware to attend her stepson’s trial on Friday, before flying back to France to join her husband at an elaborate state dinner on Saturday at the Elysee Palace.

Hunter Biden has been charged with lying on a federal gun purchase form that he was not addicted to drugs at the time.

Federal prosecutors paraded in front of the jury images of Hunter using crack cocaine, in the throes of addiction, and audio excerpts of his book describing his use of drugs.

In addition, multiple witnesses described in detail the extent of his drug addiction during the period in question.

Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges, claiming that he did not consider himself to be “an addict” at the time of the purchase.

He was found guilty on all three charges Tuesday, June 11. 

Along with the first lady, other Biden family members were in the courtroom to show support for Hunter, including his aunts, his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, and his sister, Ashley Biden.

It is certainly understandable for the first lady to want to support her son during such an embarrassing proceeding.

As noted by Carl Sferrazza Anthony, an “expert” on first ladies and the author of a book on Jacqueline Kennedy, this shows the “importance” of family to Dr. Jill Biden.

He said, “She understands that at the end of the day what matters is her son and his well-being and knowing he has support.”

If this is the case, wouldn’t it have been better for her to attend the trial every day?

She did not have to make four 3,741 mile trips, across the Atlantic Ocean to France and back to the United States, crossing six time-zones, on the taxpayer’s dime.

The charge to the taxpayers for using military aircraft to fly Dr. Jill back and forth to France is undoubtedly significant, considering that Air Force One costs approximately $200,000 per hour.

Such extravagant costs are not important to Dr. Jill, what is most important to her is retaining her position as first lady.

She likes the benefits, the parties, the staff, the privileges, the magazine cover shoots and the media attention.

It beats teaching English at a community college.

She’s the one who is most responsible for Joe Biden running for president in 2020 and for re-election in 2024.

Undoubtedly, if she told Biden he was too feeble or too mentally incompetent to run, he would not have been a candidate in either election.

Some might consider her actions akin to elder abuse, for Joe Biden has no business trying to undertake one of the most demanding jobs in the world, in his condition.

Physically, his health has deteriorated in the last few years. On multiple occasions, Biden has stumbled or fallen.

He now appears to shuffle and move with difficulty.

However, his mental condition is seemingly even more troubling.

Biden app[ears to have extreme difficulty communicating coherently, and his frequent verbal mistakes are quite embarrassing.

Most spouses would take action to protect their loved one, in light of such physical and mental conditions, but not Dr. Jill Biden.

In an email to supporters, she said those raising questions about her husband’s mental and physical condition were engaged in “inaccurate and personal political attacks.”

She is gearing up for the 2024 campaign, traveling for speeches and fundraising events.

Of course, she is also demonizing Biden’s opponent, President Donald Trump. During a speech in Atlanta, the first lady said, “Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families. We simply cannot let him win.”

Her argument is ridiculous considering Trump gave the nation peace and prosperity during his term, while her husband has delivered economic distress and the prospect of a world war.

Despite the significant problems, Dr. Jill told NBC News that her husband “understands government better than anybody else.”

He certainly has been in government for longer than almost “anybody else,” but his understanding on how to deliver results for the American people is extremely limited.

Despite the chaos he created, Politico.com reported that the first lady privately encouraged her husband to seek another term.

This advice is unsurprising, for Dr. Jill Biden likes both the limelight and the power of her position. Supposedly, she “holds influence in the White House and campaign,” on both policy and hiring decisions.

Dr. Jill certainly likes exciting international travel as well, so Americans might see her this summer with the president at the G7 summit in Italy and at the Olympics in Paris.

Undoubtedly, being first lady is a great gig and Dr. Jill has no intention of relinquishing it anytime soon.

Jeff Crouere’s “Ringside Politics,” airs nationally on Real America’s Voice Network, Real America’s Voice News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & Wgso.com. Jeff is also a political columnist, the author of “America’s Last Chance” and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel as well as on Crouere.net. For more information, email him at [email protected]. Read Reports by Jeff Crouere — More Here.

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