Jill Stein Threatens to Steal Biden’s Pennsylvania Votes

(Thomas Urbain/AFP via Getty Images)

The campaign for Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein announced this week she has completed almost all the criteria to be placed on Pennsylvania’s 2024 election ballot, an outcome that could pose a possible threat to President Joe Biden’s reelection bid.

Stein’s campaign told the Washington Examiner that the Green Party candidate is just hundreds of votes away from reaching the 5,000 signature milestone needed to get on Pennsylvania’s presidential ballot ahead of the state’s Aug. 1 deadline.

Speaking to the notion of ballot access in November, Alex Casper, the Green Party’s secretary in Pennsylvania, said Democrats and Republicans are notorious for “being harsh in Pennsylvania” toward third-party candidates petitioning to run for office. However, in an effort to leave no loose ends, the Green Party plans to push past Pennsylvania’s requirement of 5,000 signatures by Aug. 1 and instead shoot for 10,000 by July 27.

“We are confident,” Casper told the Washington Examiner, “that if we keep our volunteer efforts strong that we will be on the ballot this time. We need all our boots on the ground to take down the duopoly’s regime at the ballot.”

Pennsylvania is expected to be one of the closest races in the presidential election. The Green Party was on the ballot in Pennsylvania in 2012 and 2016 but fell short in 2020.

During the 2016 race, the Democratic Party’s nominee, Hillary Clinton, became frustrated by Stein’s third-party candidacy and complained the Harvard doctor siphoned votes away from her and handed the election to former President Donald Trump.

Stein received 49,941 votes in Pennsylvania’s 2016 election. Clinton lost by 44,292. And in 2020, Biden only won Pennsylvania by 1.2%.

But so as not to make the same mistakes twice; the DNC has enlisted the efforts of top strategists Ramsey Reid, Mary Beth Cahill, and Lis Smith, a team, according to the Examiner, whose sole interest is to stomp out third party and independents such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“Nobody steals votes in a democracy except those who seek to keep others off the ballot (as Democrats have proudly stated they are trying to do),” Stein campaign manager Jason Call told Newsmax. “Votes are not owed, they are earned. We don’t owe Joe Biden anything, especially not while he is funding a genocide. Democrats and Republicans treat our political system like a cartel. Voters are tired of this constant manipulation on behalf of the corporations the duopoly parties both work for.”

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