Joe Biden Plays Let’s Pretend on Southern Border ‘Fix’

President Biden is desperately responding to widespread negative public blow-back regarding a border invasion of his own creation with a transparently political maneuver which only gives the appearance of caring, while normalizing illegal immigration.

On top of this, as the New York Post recently reported, the Biden administration has quietly dismissed more than 350,000 asylum cases since 2022 without a decision on the merits.

As observed by the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal, “This means that migrants can stay in a quasi-legal status that may entitle them to some public benefits. Mr. Biden’s message to the world from day one was come one, come all. And they have.”

The number of unvetted migrants crossing the U.S. southern border has exploded since the time three-and-a-half years ago when, immediately upon taking office, Biden ended wall construction and rescinded 94 Trump executive border security actions including the former president’s Remain in Mexico policy which required asylum seekers to wait south of the border.

Then, when asked in January by a reporter, “Have you done everything you can do with executive authority on the border,” Biden responded, “I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power. Give me the border patrol. Give me the people. The judges. Give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.”

As of last February, nearly 7.3 million known reported U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) migrant encounters had occurred under Biden’s watch, a number greater than the population of 36 individual states.

Those encounters along the U.S.-Mexico border have nearly tripled since 2019, and they have increased more than six-fold since 2018.

Since the time Biden and his handlers took control of the White House, immigration judges have granted asylum to nearly 80% of claimants, with most of those caught at the border simply released and distributed throughout country and unlikely to show up for eventual hearings.

Quoting Wall Street Journal editors, “Even Democrats who run big cities say they’re overwhelmed by migrants. Yet the Administration until Tuesday ignored their pleas for help while picking a fight with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over his efforts to protect the border.

“Now with Mr. Trump hammering the issue, Mr. Biden knows he must at least appear to be doing something.”

That “something” offers very little, supposedly blocking migrants at the border when the daily average number of encounters between ports of entry hits 2,500 daily . . . down from an average of about 6,000 this year.

The border could then reopen once the daily average declines to 1,500 illegals, and hopeful migrants could still seek asylum at ports of entry using the CBP One mobile app, which would be excluded from the daily triggers.

In other words, the executive order circumvents Congress to codify the Biden administration’s new normal de facto illegal migrant open border invitation into official government policy.

As Joe Chester, communications manager for the Federation for American Immigration Reform told The Daily Caller, “This executive order is nothing more than [Biden] trying to fool the American people and hide the results of his disastrous immigration policies.”

Chester noted in The Daily Caller that the executive action still allows 1.8 million illegal crossings annually, provides exemptions to illegal immigrants crossing at points of entry using the CBP One App, and doesn’t apply to parolees or unaccompanied minors, among other “loopholes” that allow exemptions.

Retired Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field officer John Fabbricatore told the Caller that while the executive order could have been issued months ago “if this had been a serious effort,” the Biden administration is only doing so now because the president’s polling is down.

Or as Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., put it, “President Biden is in trouble politically. He’s polling right up there with fungal infections.

“Part of the reason for that is that he gave in to the loon wing of his party, and he dissolved the southern border. Now — five months before an election — he has to appear to be willing to do something about it. Hence, this executive order.”

Sen. Kennedy added, “the American people aren’t cell-deep stupid. So now, he has decided to tell you that he has been born again. He has had an epiphany. He is now a border hawk, and that’s what he wants you to report. Look, you can cut the hypocrisy with a knife.”

The Louisiana senator then joins many of us in recognizing a special brand of Biden White House cynicism in “an attempt to do [this] five months before an election. It is insulting. It is cheap. It is contemptuous. The American people see that.”

Decidedly anti-Trump editors of The Wall Street Journal obviously agree regarding the executive order’s transparent political timing which invites November voter skepticism.

“No president in memory,” they conclude, “has done more harm to political support for legal immigration than Mr. Biden. His border abdication has poisoned the chances for a compromise in Congress, and that would carry into a second term.”

“And if Mr. Biden loses,” they lament, “his failures will have paved the way for Mr. Trump’s border crackdown and perhaps a disruptive mass deportation.”

What the editors fail to mention is that if Biden wins, it will have paved the way for irrevocably disruptive damage to America’s security and sovereign nation status.

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 12 books is “Architectures Beyond Boxes and Boundaries: My Life By Design” (2022). Read Larry Bell’s Reports — More Here.

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