Judge Cites Dr. Seuss, Denies Blagojevich Eligibility

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Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s attempt to regain ballot eligibility was shut down Thursday by a federal judge who cited Dr. Seuss in his ruling, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.”The complaint is riddled with problems,” U.S. District Judge Steven Seeger wrote. “If the problems are fish in a barrel, the complaint contains an entire school of tuna. It is a target-rich environment. The complaint is an Issue-Spotting Wonderland.

“The bottom line is that the judiciary has no power to unimpeach, unconvict, and unremove a public official. The legislature taketh away, and the judiciary cannot giveth back.”

Blagojevich sued his home state in 2021 for booting him from the governor’s seat after his 2008 arrest for corruption and stripping him of his right to run for elective office in Illinois.

Seeger ruled that Blagojevich couldn’t sue under a statute he cited in his complaint. And “even if Blagojevich could get his foot in the door, he wouldn’t get very far before hitting his head on the constitutional architecture.”

The judge wrote that Blagojevich’s lawsuit “started with a megaphone, but it ends with a whimper. Sometimes cases in the federal courthouse attract publicity. But the courthouse is no place for a publicity stunt.”

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