Lindsey Graham Rips ‘Lawless’ Biden Over Border

(Photo by Tom Brenner/Getty Images)

Democrats want to “micromanage” the Supreme Court while allowing President Joe Biden to remain the “most lawless president ever on immigration,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday.

Graham, ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, cited unsuccessful legislation that would have allowed lower court judges to determine when a Supreme Court justice should be recused from a case.

“It was a constitutional overreach,” Graham said of the bill on Fox News Channel. “They’re trying to micromanage the [Chief Justice John] Roberts court. They’re trying to destroy [Justices Samuel] Alito and [Clarence] Thomas because they [Democrats] don’t like the fact they’re conservative judges.”

Graham and other Republican senators earlier this month blocked a bill that would have required the Supreme Court to adopt a binding code of conduct, NBC News reported.

The senator said Democrats want the high court to enact policies after they fail at the ballot box.

“[President] Donald Trump changed the court,” Graham said. “They’re [Democrats are] squealing like stuck pigs because the Supreme Court no longer is a political body. It is actually looking at the Constitution and making constitutionally sound decisions versus political decisions. That’s the problem liberals have with the court.”

Graham then lambasted Biden for a plan that would allow illegal migrant spouses of U.S. citizens to apply for permanent residency and eventually, citizenship.

The president also announced new regulations that will allow certain Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals beneficiaries to more easily qualify for long-established work visas.

“From the average Americans’ point of view, what Biden did is a disaster. He took a gallon of gasoline, and he poured it on fire,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“He unilaterally gave 500,000 people legal status, calling it parole in place. There’s nothing in our law. He’s the most lawless president ever on immigration, Biden is.”

Graham said that Biden’s actions will encourage more migrants to try and cross the southern border.

“The idea is spreading around the world, Biden just gave amnesty legally to half a million people. ‘Maybe I should keep coming,’” Graham said. “The reason the border is broken is Biden chose to overturn every policy Trump had.

“[The U.S. has] the most lawless border now because of policy changes by Biden, and it’s not a small deal, it’s a big deal. I’ve never been more worried about a 9/11 more than I am now.”

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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