Matt Gaetz Defeats McCarthy-Backed Challenger

(Tom Williams/AP)

In a decisive victory, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., defeated his Republican primary opponent, Aaron Dimmock, delivering a significant blow to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s efforts to unseat him, Politico reported.

In a high-stakes Republican primary on Tuesday, Gaetz secured a resounding victory over Navy veteran Aaron Dimmock, a challenger backed by McCarthy. Gaetz’s triumph marks a significant setback for McCarthy, who had sought retribution against those responsible for his ouster from the House speakership last October.

Despite facing intense scrutiny, including a House Ethics Committee investigation and attack ads funded by a McCarthy-aligned super PAC, Gaetz emerged victorious. The ads highlighted allegations of illegal drug use and accusations that Gaetz paid for sex with a minor, charges the congressman has consistently denied. The Department of Justice previously investigated these claims but declined to press charges.

Gaetz’s victory ensures his place on the ballot for November, where he will face Democrat Gay Valimont in a district that leans heavily Republican. The win also solidifies his grip on northwest Florida, a region he has represented since 2016. Gaetz, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, is widely viewed as a potential contender for Florida’s governorship in 2026 when current Gov. Ron DeSantis steps down due to term limits.

Leading up to the primary, Gaetz campaigned vigorously across his district, drawing support from key conservative figures like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo. Together, they rallied local Republicans to deliver a decisive message to McCarthy and the Washington establishment.

The rivalry between Gaetz and McCarthy became the primary focal point, with McCarthy endorsing Dimmock and funneling resources into efforts to unseat Gaetz. Even on the day of the primary, Gaetz’s campaign emphasized the stakes, sending out a fundraising email that read, “I want to make a STATEMENT. I want to win in a LANDSLIDE VICTORY to prove to Kevin McCarthy that no matter how much money he sinks into defeating me, it will NEVER be worth it.”

Gaetz, the son of a former Florida Senate president, has built his political career on a reputation for being a brash and outspoken conservative. His aggressive style has earned him staunch supporters and vocal critics within the GOP. However, Tuesday’s victory reinforces his position as a leading figure in Florida politics. It sets the stage for a more significant political role in the coming years.

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