Mercedes Schlapp: ‘Joy’? ‘Hope’? Try Communism

(Stoyan Haytov/

(Editor’s Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement for any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)


At this week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC), Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn. promised “Joy” for all Americans.

But, put directly, there is nothing joyful about socialism or communism.

We’ve seen politicians implement socialist policies and praise communist systems in their countries, only for it to eventually result in the downfall of their economic prosperity, while stripping strip away citizens’ rights and freedoms.

A recent headline in The New York Times read: “Harris used to worry about laughing. Now joy is fueling her campaign.”

Since the Democratic Party elites’ successful coup of President Joe Biden, the mainstream media has been whipped into a frenzy promoting the “Joy” and “Hope,” purportedly brought forth by the Harris-Walz ticket.

Like the good propagandists they are, the unified cathedral of left-wing controlled institutions and their media cheerleaders are trying to define Vice President Kamala Harris to American citizens as something she is not; something frankly she has never been.

They all want you to forget about the Kamala Harris who blew through more than $40 million in 2020 and had to drop her presidential bid before voters began casting ballots in Iowa.

The same New York Times wrote just a few years ago: “Harris is the only 2020 Democrat who has fallen hard out of the top tier of candidates. She has proved to be an uneven campaigner who changes her message and tactics to little effect and has a staff torn into factions.”

Now, the same media sings her praises, and better yet, covers up her abysmal record. for example, contradicted their own reporting by claiming Kamala Harris was never the “border czar,” and the so-called “non-partisan” GovTrack removed its own webpage pointing out that Kamala Harris was the “most liberal” U.S. senator, (thankfully Kamala Harris’ 4.45% CPAC lifetime voting record will always be there for those interested to review).

It all begs this question . . . “Why?”

What could American voters find out about Kamala Harris’ record that would alienate them, deliver President Donald J. Trump back to the white house, and thereby threaten the left’s control of major American institutions?

The answer is surprisingly obvious.

America is still not comfortable with communism, and Kamala Harris’ record is determinative of even further steps toward communism, going forward.

What would a Kamala Harris administration then actually produce for the people of America? Consider how Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote to pass the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” which supercharged inflation to more than 20% since the Biden-Harris administration took office.

Or, consider her deciding vote to pass the $1.2 trillion climate spending package the “Inflation Reduction Act,” (IRA) which has produced just seven electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, despite a $7.5 billion investment and has been described even by Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., as a “vast administrative failure.”

Instead of joy, the policies of Vice President Kamala Harris have only brought despair and made the American Dream increasingly, if not exponentially, out of reach.

According to CNBC, 65% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and according to Zillow, Americans must now earn $106,500 annually in order to comfortably afford a typical home, a significant increase from the $59,000 needed in 2020.

Kamala Harris and the complicit media are also trying to cover-up the fact that the last time she ran for office, she ran on the same platform as proud socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. In fact, Kamala Harris was an original cosponsor of the $100 Trillion “Green New Deal”

She even campaigned on taxing investments to the tune of $2 trillion in order to fund her socialized “Medicare For All.”

If anyone thinks Kamala Harris and the government should be in charge of the nation’s healthcare system, consider how poorly the government takes care of our Veteran Affairs hospitals. Recently, “32,000 veterans’ disability claims were delayed — some as long as five years — due to a technical flaw in federal filing systems.”

Now Kamala Harris’ campaign is trying to turn its kryptonite (in the form of extreme food inflation caused by the Biden-Harris administration) into its winning message by taking a page out of the authoritarian playbook and demonizing business owners while proclaiming a “fix” which gives the government more control.

In her first policy announcement of the campaign, Kamala Harris promised to institute soviet-style price controls on food through the first-ever national ban on price gouging and price-fixing.

Once again, the Kamala Harris policy playbook is taken right from the failed ideas of communism’s past.

As CPAC Board Member and former top economic adviser in the Trump White House Kevin Hassett tellingly explained, “It’s a heavy-handed socialist policy that I don’t think any economist would support.”

Even The Washington Post published an opinion column decrying the policy, “When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?”

Hopefully Americans can see through the media’s, and the DNC’s, contrived emotions and understand that the Harris-Walz policies would harm their livelihoods, completely destroying their opportunities to achieve the American dream.

Mercedes Schlapp is Senior Fellow for CPAC Foundation and former Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications for President Donald J. Trump.

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