Mob Rule Supplanting Bill of Rights Will End America

(Editor’s Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement for any political party or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)

The Bill of Rights Is the Ultimate threat to ‘Democracy’? – Let’s Hope So

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and the Democrats keep accusing each other of being “threats to Democracy.”

The real issue, however, is the left’s deliberate distortion of the meaning of the word “Democracy.” To some people, Democracy means a free country where democratic elections are held.

To others, “Democracy” means your rights can be voted in (or out) by a simple majority.

Clearly, we can’t be (or have) both.

Either your individual rights supersede the majority — or the majority can take away your rights.

If 51% of the voting public decides your freedom of speech should be curtailed — then that’s a Democracy.

If your right to freedom of speech is violated, and the U.S. Supreme Court says you can’t have your rights abridged because of the First Amendment — then you’re living in a Democratic Republic.

America was designed to be a Republic, which it still is, not a Democracy.

Yes, a free Republic has democratic elections.

But that doesn’t mean you live in a Democracy.

In a Republic, the rights of the individual — the rights explicitly named in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights — may not be violated, abridged, or curtailed.

Sadly, the ruling Democratic Party in the United States is now a horrible hybrid of collectivist, socialist, Communist, and fascist systems which strive to subordinate individual rights to outright tyranny.

In other words, the rights of the individual may be abridged at any time, for the sake of whatever the politicians arbitrarily deem “the greater good.”

If you read history, “the greater good” has been used over and over by tyrants and totalitarians to achieve their means and ends.

When Democrats label Trump supporters “threats to Democracy” what they’re saying is:

“We cannot and will not have our socialist and regulatory policies challenged. If you challenge them in any principled or serious way — then you’re a threat to our power. Instead of calling you a threat to our power, we’ll call you a ‘threat to Democracy’.”

And we’ll lock you up — or perhaps even worse.

Democrats are good at words, rooted in contrivance, to create guilt and fear in the gullible.

When accused of being a “threat to Democracy,” these people feel as if they’re violating the rights of man by challenging Obamacare, super-high taxes, military weakness, unlimited regulations, gun control, government censorship of social media, and the ability of government-run (public) schools to do whatever they wish to our children. Trump himself faces legal charges and even prison for the crime of “threatening Democracy.”

Actually, Democracy is nothing more than mob rule.

And it’s the greatest threat to individual rights.

The Bill of Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution represents the polar-opposite: the right to bear arms; to be free from arbitrary search and seizure; to due process; to freedom of speech, and everything else that may not be voted away by a capricious majority.

In the last few years, the Democrats, more aptly named, have smuggled in the guilt-inducing term of “Democracy” to excuse their outrageous imposition on the rights of Americans.

The Constitution does not permit the government to force medical treatment or experimentation on American citizens; the Democrats do — in the name of “Democracy.”

The Constitution doesn’t permit censorship of media to prevent discussion of election fraud or lethal results from a government-mandated vaccine; the Democrats are doing so — in the name of “saving Democracy.”

Perhaps the best illustration of how Democrats place the rights of the mob above those of the individual is their immigration policy.

By permitting open borders and using freebies and handouts to get noncitizens to vote and participate in federal programs like public schools, Medicare, and Medicaid (to which they contribute no taxes), Democrats convey the message: “There’s strength in numbers. citizenship doesn’t matter because nobody has rights — except through being a majority.”

But stuffing the country with illegal, unaccountable noncitizens who Democrats believe (probably correctly) will vote Democrat, then they’ve won — because numbers (not individual rights) are all that matter to them.

People keep talking about how 2024 is the most important election ever.


Because the battle between Trump and the left-wing establishment — including the spineless RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) on their payroll — is in truth a battle between the Bill of Rights and mob rule.

We cannot let mob rule win. If we do, America is finished and will collapse into civil strife and even civil war. Former President Donald Trump is literally fighting for America’s life.

Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology. He is the author of “Grow Up America” and “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy,” available exclusively at He has been quoted in and/or appeared on over 30 radio shows/podcasts (including Rush Limbaugh and Larry Elder), on Newsmax TV, and writes two self-help columns weekly. Dr. Hurd resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Read more of Dr. Hurd’s reports — Here.

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