Not Your Grandpa’s Democratic Party Anymore

Older voters need to open their eyes.

The Democratic Party has drastically moved to the left, even though they maintain the influence to hide that fact.

The core of elected Democrats, at local, state, and federal level have pushed so far to the left that it’s hard to tell where Democratic stops, and Socialist/Communist begins.

Coincidentally, in the decades since President Ronald Reagan left office, Republicans have also moved towards the left.

Only conservatives have stood fast, or even moved a little to the right.

The contrast is why Democrats constantly refer to the “far right” – because they have moved so far in the opposite direction.

John F. Kennedy was a Democrat and admittedly one of the greatest U.S. presidents of modern times.

He supported the Bill of Rights including freedom of speech and the 2nd Amendment.

JFK also wanted a strong economy and U.S. Military.

He did not want us to get involved militarily with Cuba or Vietnam.

Up until Bill Clinton’s presidency, Democrats actually cared primarily about “the little guy” and U.S. citizens in general.

Democrats now place priority on issues like climate change, continued funding for the Ukraine war, transgenderism, silencing dissent in media/social media, and unsecured borders.

They ignore the crime affecting many Americans caused by their policies of cashless bail, untracked and unregulated foreign criminals, and their flawed “Defund the Police” campaign.

They twist numbers telling us inflation is down, despite us seeing our bank accounts shrink and grocery prices grow.

The average American citizen is barely a blip on their radar every four years at election time, and if they continue to perfect voting improprieties, citizens will not matter to them at all.

The Democratic Party has shifted from support of the Constitution, America, and its citizenry to support of globalism.

But globalism does not want:

  • Borders
  • Individual freedom
  • Equal treatment under the law
  • Independent Republics
  • Strong national militaries
  • A strong U.S. dollar
  • America

You can’t support globalism and a strong America.

Those ideologies conflict.

Saying you support the two is speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

To succeed, globalism needs the United States of America to fall.

That requires open borders, rebellious citizens, a police state, a weak/untrained military, and a failed dollar.

That is the what the Democratic Party is today.

Democrats are all about globalism.

True democracy is not.

Why do you think they hate the man who wants to Make America Great Again?

(Editor’s Note: The preceding article also appears on, and is used with permission of the author.)  

John Cylc is an eight-year U.S. Army veteran focused on conservatism, gun rights and other contemporary topics. Mr. Cylc is the founder and editor of and can be found on Twitter- @The2ndA. A Philadelphia native, he currently resides with his wife and youngest son in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in beautiful East Tennessee. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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