NRA’s Barr to Newsmax: ‘Govt Officials’ Biggest Threat to 2A

National Rifle Association president Bob Barr told Newsmax on Saturday that “government officials at all levels” pose the most pressing threat to America’s gun rights.

The former congressman from Georgia was asked on “America Right Now” by host Tom Basile what challenges and threats are facing gun owners in America, and Barr did not hesitate in his response. He said the threat is from government officials not understanding the Second Amendment, noting the right is given by God and not government.

The right to bear arms “is protected explicitly in the Bill of Rights against government taking it away. Either those official don’t understand it, or — even worse — they understand it and they don’t care about it,” he said.

Barr, who was recently elected president of the NRA, praised the recent Supreme Court decision in which the high court ruled in favor of the gun advocacy group on the grounds, finding that its First Amendment rights were violated by a former New York State government official. Barr noted the rare 9-0 decision in the ruling.

It was “a unanimous decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that told government officials in New York — and by implication, elsewhere across the country — that you, as a government official, can no longer abuse your regulatory powers to go after the NRA or any other organization over which you have regulatory authorities because you don’t like their views,” Barr added.


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