NY Times Poll: Trump’s Lead Narrows After Verdict


Former President Donald Trump’s polling numbers over President Joe Biden have shrunk slightly after Trump’s guilty verdict last week in a New York criminal trial, according to a redo of a recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

Results showed the lead narrowed after a recontact study in June reinterviewing the 1,897 registered voters June 3-4 after Trump was found guilty of 34 felony charges. Trump had held a three-point lead over Biden in the publication’s last poll, conducted from April 7 to May 9.

In the original poll, Trump netted 41% to 38% for Biden, but the new poll shows Trump with 42% to Biden’s 40%.

The change between the polls was strongest among young, nonwhite, and less engaged Democrat voters, showing that 20% of Trump’s Black supporters in the first poll now support Biden, but 2% of non-Black previous supporters of Trump have switched to Biden.

The findings also revealed that 46% approved of the guilty verdict, with 33% disapproving, and 16% saying they did not know enough about it to reach an opinion.

Further, the poll showed that Trump kept 93% of voters who had said in the April/May survey that they were voting for him; 3% from the first poll said they now back Biden, and 4% said they remain undecided.

The poll’s redo is mostly in line with other polls released in the days after the verdict, Politico reported.

A Morning Consult poll showed Biden gained three percentage points, for 45%, with Trump’s support remaining at 44%, and an Emerson College poll released Thursday showed that Trump’s support has not changed from April.

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