NY Times/Siena Polls: Trump Strong in Sun Belt


Donald Trump is showing strength among Sun Belt voters, who say the former president and Republican presidential nominee improved their lives during his four years in the White House.

They’re worried that Vice President Kamala Harris would not have the same effect if she were to win the presidential contest in November.

According to new polls of three key states from The New York Times and Siena College, Trump pulled ahead in Arizona and maintained his lead in Georgia – states that President Joe Biden won in 2020.

In North Carolina, however, Harris trails Trump by a narrow margin that’s within the survey’s margin of error. The Tar Heel State has not voted for a Democrat for president since 2008.

The Arizona poll found that Trump is ahead of Harris, 50% to 45%, with 10% of Latino voters saying they were now undecided.

According to the survey, 49% of Georgia voters support Trump and 45% support Harris. The former president’s advantage is slimmest in North Carolina, where the poll found him drawing 49% of the vote to the vice president’s 47%.

In addition to being worried about their own future, the surveys reveal that Sun Belt voters are worried about the future of the country, with a plurality saying the nation’s problems could cause it to founder. Republicans were much more likely to say that the United States is in danger of failing than Democrats, 72% to 16%.

In a sign of the presidential race’s volatility, about 15% of the electorate in Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina said they were undecided. According to the polls, undecided voters leaned toward Harris last month, but now lean slightly more toward Trump.

A 31% plurality of Sun Belt voters cited the economy or inflation as the top concern in determining their vote, and 55% of these respondents said Trump would do a better job of handling it, while 42% who said the same for Harris.

Harris has attacked Trump for appointing the Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade – which established a constitutional right to abortion – in 2022; the issue was cited as a top concern by fewer voters, however.

Abortion and immigration were named as the most important issues at 16% each of likely voters. On immigration, survey respondents trusted Trump to manage it more, 54% to 43%, while Harris was trusted more on abortion, 53% to 41%.

The margin of error among likely voters across the three states is 2.5 percentage points.

The poll in Arizona surveyed 713 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

In Georgia, 682 registered voters were surveyed and the poll has a margin of error of 4.6 percentage points.

In North Carolina, the poll surveyed 682 registered voters and has a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.

All polls were conducted Sept. 17-21.

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